We invest in banco de Oro's UITF account.The Branch manager told us it is a very good investment of above benchmark of 11.25% with portfolio mix diversified to secured gov't securities and debt securties of SM prime holdings and SMC.She added the risk was minimal and could only affect the interest rates from 16% to 8%.After 30days we've found out our secured peso bond fund value was less 10% from the principal amount.When we compared with other banks,we found out what they sold to us was very high risk junk bonds.We would like to warn fellow Iliganons never be deceive by this bank.We lost several thousands in our investments with BDO.Who would ever think" manikas sila?"Â* Â* Â* Signing a weaver formÂ* that denotes without recoarse,would anyone dream of that Henry SyÂ* Â* would do this?