First, take a look at this link:
Overlapping Circles Problem
Now, based on that calculation, our givens are:
Circle radius = 10 cm
Circle diameters = 20 cm
Area of one circle = 314.15926535897932384626433832795 cm^2
Area of overlap of the two circles = 122.8 cm^2 (approximated to one decimal place)
Now, since I needed a percentage, I did this:
Percentage Area of disc coverage (AoE) = (122.8 cm / 314.159265358979323 84626433832795 cm) * 100 =
Now, taking from the diagram, distance PO = 10 cm which I convert to this relationship...
if PO = 0 cm then a variable which I will call "MoE" has a value of 0 %
if PO = 5 cm, then MoE has a value of 25 %
if PO = 10 cm, then MoE has a value of 50 %
if PO = 15 cm, then MoE has a value of 75 %
if PO = 20 cm, then MoE has a value of 100 %'s my problem. I need a function whereby...
if MoE = 0, then AoE = 0 %
if MoE = 25, then AoE = ?
if MoE = 50, then AoE =
39.08 %
if MoE = 75, then AoE = ?
if MoE = 100, then AoE = 100.00%
So that, given ANY value of MoE, I can produce the equivalent AoE value.
Anyone has ideas?