Daily s3x helps improve fertility
Compared to other mammals, humans have low fertility rates. Less than 30% of conceptions result in a successful pregnancy. But a new study may have a way to attenuate the problem: more s3x.
Typically, fertility is a subject sequestered to females, focusing on ovulation periods. However, sperm shouldn’t be completely neglected. Sperm that suffers from DNA damage may considerably hinder a couple’s ability to reproduce, even if *** is had while a woman is ovulating.
In order to find a way to lessen DNA problems of sperm, Dr. David Greening, a gynecologist and endocrinologist from Australia, studied the effects of daily ejaculations on damage rates. The longer sperm stays inside the testicles, the more likely it is to suffer from reactive oxygen species, DNA’s number one enemy. By ejaculating daily, theoretically sperm should be healthier and more able to achieve conception.
The study consisted of over 100 participants who were considered to have less-than-optimal sperm damage levels. Before the tests started, the men ranged 15% to 98% damage on the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI), which measures damage levels. After a week of daily ejaculations, the sperm was re-measured.
The results were somewhat mixed. It was “found that 96 men (81%) had an average 12% decrease in their sperm DNA damage, while 22 men (19%) and an average increase in damage of nearly 10%. The average for the whole group dropped to 26% DFI.” While the overall trend was to lower DNA damage, the increased level in the remaining subjects is somewhat of a mystery. Still, the results are encouraging, opening a new pathway of study. Average 26% drop puts most men into the “good” range of DNA damage levels. The daily ejaculation did decrease sperm concentrations, but it actually helped increase sperm motility slightly.
Whether this all translates into an increased chance of successful fertilization remains to be seen. However, Dr. Greening did not seem to see any reason not to recommend daily ejaculation to help the process of conception. "The optimal number of days of ejaculation might be more or less than seven days, but a week appears manageable and favourable. It seems safe to conclude that couples with relatively normal semen parameters should have *** daily for up to a week before the ovulation date.”
A new study reported by Belgian scientists suggests that there are severe chromosome abnormalities found in over 90% of eggs fertilized for in vitro treatments. There is a chance, too, that spontaoues pregnancies have similar chromosome problems—a fact that must be followed up with subsequent studies that deal with both sides of the reproductive process: women and men. “In addition, these results may mean that men play a greater role in infertility than previously suspected, and that ejaculatory frequency is important for improving sperm quality, especially as men age and during assisted reproduction cycles," said Greening.