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  1. #1

    Default need extra income?



    A man can be as great as he wants to be, If you believe in yourself, have the courage, the determination, the dedication and the competitive drive to venture into the land of abundance, the land of promise.


    The owner of the ompany is a billionnaire no other than MR. CASTAŅEDA. He is a donor of WOWOWEE. He said by his donation he is happy to help people. But his help is not enough for it only benefit a few. So he established this company not for himself but for the whole Filipino people to become entrepreneur and enjoy life. BECAUSE OUR/YOUR FAMILY DESERVE THE BEST IN LIFE. You can be assured you are in good hands with ROYALE.

    The products are BFAD registered and proven to be of good quality and effectiveness.

    The Marketing Plan...super.....
    There are many things that you can do to earn:
    1. as franchise agent you earn finders fee from 5,000 to 50,000
    2.a commission of 1% to 2% of sales to franchisee

    3. direct selling gain from 20% to 50%
    4. direct referral bonus of P500 for every referred member
    5. matching bonus of P1,200 for every match pair from left and right.
    6. uni-level rebates

    Do contact me if you have a vision to improve your life. As we help people who wants to help themselves.

    Cell No. 09229830168

    Believe in the Power of your Dreams. ROYALE STRUCK

  2. #2
    is this a networking?
    pls tell us what company you are connected with...

  3. #3
    The company ROYALE BUSINESS CLUB INTERNATIONAL is a prestigious company whose philisophy is "HELPING PEOPLE IS OUR WAY OF LIFE" . It has lots to offer:


    Promos & Incentives

    Be a Club Member

    Be a Franchisee

    Be A Merchant Partner

    You can go on direct selling with a big discount from 30% to 50%
    The products carried in direct selling are beauty and wellness products
    *glutathione power capsule, soap, lotion, cream, anti-aging
    *kojic soap
    *coffee 8 in 1, choco all 8
    *grape seed

    You can start a micro franchising business at a very low cost of P80,000
    (Carts, utensils, uniforms, stocks, other materials are all provided)
    Lots of micro franchise to choose from (shawarma, hotdog, buy-one-take one burger, ink refill, spa & massage, waffle & shake, fried chicken and roasters, dimsum, laundry gallery, mami & goto, fried balls, fresh fruit cakes, etc....)
    If you can find a person who will go into franchising you will receive a finders fee ranging from P5,000 to 30,000 and a percentage of all purchases from the company.

    -Basic and advance training entrepreneurship
    & microbusiness operations
    -One of any royale wellness package
    -Entertainment treats
    -Personal accident insurance
    -Technology & services
    -Earn royalty fee thru referrals
    -Up to 50% lifetime discounts on all royale wellness & beauty products

    If interested just txt: 09229830168 so we will become business partners.
    or attend a business presentation this Saturday 6:00PM at Royale Business Club International, at F. Ramos St., Cebu City (atbang sa Diplomat Hotel)

    Thanks for viewing

  4. #4
    basta in-ani nga style MLM jud ni xa...waheheh

  5. #5
    yes sir you are right.... do you want to become a member? Try to attend the orientation or business presentation, no registration fee. Sulayi lang sir pagattend and analyze after it.

  6. #6
    gkapo na ko aning MLM gud...cge thanks na lng...goodluck sa business...

  7. #7
    sir teedart, can you attend the business presentation 6:00OM Saturday at Royale Busines Club International at F. Ramos St., Cebu city (atbang sa Diplomat Hotel) Txt 09229830168 to confirm.
    business presentation is FREE.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    thank you belgian. hi belg....pwede ta magkita sa ramos unya hapon? sa diplomat atbang. text to confirm 09229830168. thanks

  10. #10

  11.    Advertisement

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