Id like to buy something from the US, do i need to pay for Customs duty?
if i went to US, and personally buy the item and ship it with me via baggage, do i still have to pay for customs?
lamats sa answer
Id like to buy something from the US, do i need to pay for Customs duty?
if i went to US, and personally buy the item and ship it with me via baggage, do i still have to pay for customs?
lamats sa answer
as long as gamay ra need not to pay duty and tax dli mn kha na hot item?
it's a big item - worth $300 -$400. weighing 10-20kg (ithink).
murag desktop ka bulky and heavy.
any idea whats the % of the tax to the value?
how much is the tax?
Precision tool
Dimension - 13"W x 49"L x 13.5"H
Weight - around 40-45lbs
Desktop computer
(W)10.47 x (H)23.54 x (D)24.72 inch
Net Weight (g) 16.9 kg (30-40lbs)
i found johny air cargo...
johny air cargo charges $8.50 per pound, and shipping costmore than the item.
both Item value cost $300 each - shipping cost is around $350 to $600 per item.
im looking for a way to reduce shipping cost. say down to $100-$150.
i have no idea how to ship it cheaper.
I'm reviving this thread...
I have a package sent thru FEDEX from the US. I ordered a few items for my fishing hobby online. Total package cost (including shipping) is US$120.60, and the package is @ .80lbs in weight. The chart above (2nd post) is giving me a headache computing.
How much all in do i have to pay for Customs Duties & Taxes? Can somebody pls help me? i bloody scared that i'll be paying more (or half) of the total cost i payed for the package, which bloody hogwash.
Pls help. PM me.
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