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  1. #1

    Default Unsaon ninyo kung paranoid ang girlfriend sa inyong ex?

    unsaon ninyo kung paranoid ang girlfriend sa inyong ex?

    makalagot jud kaayo, nindot kaayo samokon kay dali ra mabuang hahahaha!!!!

  2. #2
    Ani mitch ay .. ..
    Samoka nlng permi.!

  3. #3
    insecure rana siya nmo...

  4. #4
    paranoid as she can be.. maybe she has the right to be paranoid sad tingali because your giving it to her sad.. or perhaps you and your ex.. IS NOT officially OFF pa jud.. somehow maybe naa pay mga loose threads between you and your EX that needs to be REALLY cut off for good jud..

    just my take.. take it constructively lang..

  5. #5
    C.I.A. Sol_Itaire's Avatar
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    May 2008
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    as a woman yourself, be kind to her nalang.

  6. #6
    +++ ahahaha.. lols... "LAUGH HARD" and IGNORE her... capital word INSECURE

  7. #7
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Isa ni sa hinungdan nano nag bulag mi ako uyab. She always ask me to fight against my ex which I cannot do it because of a simple reason. SHE DON'T DESERVE IT. So gurl be careful. It pissess the guy when you look for fight...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by mitchay View Post
    unsaon ninyo kung paranoid ang girlfriend sa inyong ex?

    makalagot jud kaayo, nindot kaayo samokon kay dali ra mabuang hahahaha!!!!
    ikaw ba ang paranoid mitchay....joke.

    ana gyud na ang baabe mu paranoid especially if mas gwapa pa sa iya ang ex sa iyang BF.

    lake man gani ma insecure sad.

  9. #9
    gf sa imo EX... sagdie na oi. d na btaw ka connected sa imo ex. ug ma buang na ikaw pai ma blame hehehe.

    btaw, seryos mam... ayaw nlang patuli. ibutang nlang imo self sa iya sitwasyon, dli bya maau kung imo patulan d ba?

  10. #10
    paLagOta arOn mbUang hehehe..

    btaw ui kidding aside.. pasagdai nlang girL..

    maPul-an rna..

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