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  1. #1

    Default pAmBaTa: very affordable imported sulit!!!

    ..................UPLOADED NEW ITEMS................TOYS and CLOTHINGS!!!

    HI! Fellow Istoryan friends....please do try checking my items below =)
    hopefully u'll find some great stuff for ur 'lil loved ones...BOTH BOYS and GIRLS

    F u have some extra time...hope u cld visit also my site for more wise buys!!!

    F anyone is interested, js send me a Pm or u may contact me directly at 0923-9568988 for faster transaction...

    TOYS and other baby stuffs...........

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P150_PLAYGRO rattle/teether;Good as new
    B. P150_KIDS II mobile; u can hang this js anywhere u like...
    C. P100_KORIMCO lion;Designed in Australia; Non-toxic and Non-allergenic; Good as new
    D. P80_FISHER PRICE rattle/teether

    A. B.

    A. P180_PLAYGRO bugsy; MUSICAL w/ lights; good as new
    B. P150_DUCKS and BALLS;US item; u can hang ds js anywhere u like

    SAMPLE OF: Mix items P80 and below (both for boys & girls)

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P70_BABY OKIEDOKIE #1 player; Very good condition; 3-6mos.
    B. P80_JUST ONE YEAR rainbow overall; Pre-loved; 6-12mos; good condition
    C. P30_SPROCKETS BABY yellow;Pre-loved; 6-9 mos.
    D. P50_OSHKOSH white sweatshirt; Pre-loved; 6-12 mos.

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P30_CARTER'S pink romper; 0-6MOS.
    B. P50_FISHER PRICE; 3-9 MOS.
    C. P60_FADED GLORY pink romper;3-6 mos
    D. P60_GERBER pink overall;Very good condition; 0-3mos.

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P60_CIRCO safari trail;Good as new; 6-12mos.
    B. P30_WEE ESSENTIALS romper; Good as new; 0-3mos.
    C. P70_BRIGHT FUTURE overall; Good as new; 0-3mos.
    D. P70_JUST 1YR #1 player;Pre-loved; 6mos.;good condition

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P60_FADED GLORY dad's lil princess ;Good as new; 0-3mos
    B. P60_OLD NAVY scuba diver; Good as new; 0-3mos.
    C. P60_B.T. KIDS; Very good condition; 6-9 mos.
    D. P60_TKS BASICS pink flower; 12-24 mos.

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P80_PRECIOUS MOMENTS BABY maong dress ;Pre-loved; 12-24 mos.; good condition
    B. P80_DISNEY pooh overall;Good as new; 24mos.
    C. P50_ALL STAR; Pre-loved; 6-9 mos.
    D. P60_SONOMA lavender stripes; 6-18mos; good condition


    A. B. C. D.
    A. P120_LAMB pink overall; Good as new; 12 mos.
    B. P100_OLD NAVY pink knitted coat; 6-18mos.; good condition
    C. P130_FIRST IMPRESSION pink dress; GoOd as new; 12-18mos.
    D. P130_ROSE COTTAGE red dress P130;Good as new; 0-3mos.

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P120_DISNEY cinderella; Good as new; 6-18mos.
    C. P130_POOH black top;Good as new; 2-3yo
    D. P120_CACHCOACH ;Good as new; 6-12 mos

    A. B. C. D.
    A. P100_CARTER'S white w/ butterflies; 0-3mos.; very good condition
    B. P135_OSHKOSH girl jumper; Good as new; 12mos.
    C. P120_BABY GUESS white top; Good as new; 0-6mos.
    D. P150_OSHKOSH pink jumper;Good as new; 2.y.o.

    SAMPLE OF: Pre-loved stuff for 'lil BOYS

    A. B. C.
    A. P150_BASEBALL maong jumper; Good as new; 24 mos.
    B. P100_SPRING OUT stripes poloshirt; Good as new; 6-12 mos.
    D. P150_OLD NAVY maong jumper; Good as new; 2y.o.

    A. B. C.
    A. P100_SPRING NEW YORK; Very good condition; 6-12mos.
    B. P135_OSHKOSH maong jumper shorts; UNISEX; 4yrs. old; very good condition
    C. P100_CARTER'S jurassic kick; Pre=loved; 6-9mos.; very good condition


    A. B. C. D.

    A. P150_HAPPY KIDS;Brand new; 0-3mos.
    B. P250_BABY GAP navy blue jumper; Brand New; 3-6mos.
    C. P150_BABY Q flower coat; brand new; 3-6 mos.
    D. P150_OKIEDOKIE white longsleeves; Brand new; 2-4y.o.

    A. B. C.

    A. P150_OSHKOSH maong jumper; Brand new; 3-6 mos.
    B. P150_FLOWER maong jumper; BRAND NEW; 24 mos.
    C. P120_YELLOW floral top; Brand new; 6-18mos.
    Last edited by wumo; 08-14-2009 at 09:11 PM.

  2. #2
    HONEY BEE blue dress P130
    Pre-loved; 2-4yrs.old ; very good condition

    LITTLE GIANT grey dress P130
    Good as new; 2-5yrs; old

    bRad pwde ni ma tan-aW?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nYang View Post
    HONEY BEE blue dress P130
    Pre-loved; 2-4yrs.old ; very good condition

    LITTLE GIANT grey dress P130
    Good as new; 2-5yrs; old

    bRad pwde ni ma tan-aW?
    tnx much 4ur interest sent to u......

  4. #4
    goodmorning evry1.............

  5. #5
    deleted sold items..........

  6. #6
    tnxmuch to all frens hu bought my items........

  7. #7
    great buys for ur 'lil ones.......

  8. #8
    great savings............

  9. #9
    tnx 4ur interest sis tx u today....

  10. #10
    interested on the following items:

    BABY CONNECTION active sports coat P100Pre-loved; 6-9mos; good condition - is this still in full colors?

    PLAY ZONE blue stripes jumper P120Brand new; 3-6mos.

    BABY GAP blue coat P120
    Pre-loved; 6-12mos; good condition- is this still in full colors?

    OSHKOSH duck design overall P80
    Pre-loved; 6-18mos; very good condition

    Brand new; 6mos.

    Please advice me how I can get them. Thanks!!=)
    Last edited by crazy_lazy; 06-01-2009 at 03:06 PM.

  11.    Advertisement

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