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  1. #1

    Default /trade: 2.5K- (MONSTER FISH)ALLIGATOR GAR- with pictures na!!!!!!

    swerte na dyud mo ani kay sought after fish dyud ni ang alligator gar considering its size na midako ug mitambok pa dyud



    2.5K (fixed price na kay dako na dyud kaayo)

    The alligator gar is an aggressive, solitary fish that lives in fresh water bodies in the southeastern U.S. It is carnivorous. However, it is not ordinarily aggressive towards humans. Alligator Gar feeds by lurking amongst reeds and other underwater plant life, waiting for food to pass by. Though subsisting mostly on fish, the alligator gar will also eat waterfowl.

    Alligator gar have also been known to attack humans in some very rare cases

    (info taken from wikipedia)

    (taken from the i-net)

    Actual Pics

    contact me at 09267156134 or call me at 4918901. thanks ISTORYA...

    post ur offer lang if makiTRADE mo...

  2. #2
    saka ta para makit-an dyud ang pictures ani.... lubog lang ang tubig kay aside sa direct heat sa sunlight ang pond asta ang filter kay hinay...pero pwera buyag grabe ka condition ang isda... palit namo....

  3. #3
    saka ta para makit an na sad sa uban

  4. #4
    saka na sad ta mga istoryans

  5. #5
    saka na sad ta kay gabii na

  6. #6
    saka na sad

  7. #7
    saka na sad ta mga bro and sis

  8. #8
    saka na sad ta mga bro and sis...

  9. #9
    saka na sad ta

  10. #10

    Default UP!


  11.    Advertisement

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