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  1. #1

    Default The Swine Flu Hoax

    Special Weekend Broadcast: Alex Jones, Swine Flu Hoax

    The Swine Flu Hoax | NowPublic News Coverage

    When the avian flu scare arrived, no one questioned it. This time, things are different. Those with some brains, a memory and internet ingenuity are on the case. Let’s hope this message gets out.

    Tamiflu is an antiviral medication used to treat influenza. It will be the prime medication sold to protect citizens from swine flu as it was for avian flu. All healthcare workers, military and essential service workers will need a dose available and it will be bought with your tax dollars.Tamiflu is made and patented by Gilead Sciences and Donald Rumsfeld was the chairman of this company before he joined the Bush administration. When the Avian Flu scare flashed across the television sets of Americans, Gilead Sciences stock went through the roof. Rumsfeld refused to sell his stock when he joined the Bush administration and the increase in stock value made him the richest man in that administration. Moreover, Gilead Sciences successfully lobbied a billion dollar contract with the U.S. military during the avian flu scare, giving each soldier access to the drug. Now, with the swine flu scare, the same players are about to make an even bigger fortune. Who are these people? They are all hardcore neoconservatives with a long history of paying for neocon agendas and campaigns and they have far-reaching capabilities to manufacture a media-constructed, influenza hoax. The actual flu may be real, but the panic surrounding it is the product of those who waited for another opportunity to knock, or sneeze.


  2. #2
    Ahh okay..

    who is this Alex Jones guy, btw?

  3. #3
    hoax.. i dont believe! see what is going on now??

  4. #4
    30 countries are already facing the problem on this swine flu. I don't think this is a hoax. Imagine, one can die in just three days with that influenza. If such is a hoax, it should not be fatal, at the very least. But it is fatal, we should really be aware of it.

    It's actually commendable that the government agencies concerned keep on providing us pieces of information to help us avoid it. More so, the advisories and timely quarantine of those who came from abroad gives us assurance that they will not let the swine flu reach the Philippines. I hope not.

  5. #5
    hoax or not. we cant do anything about it but to protect ourselves.

  6. #6
    i hope our government is prepared on this swine flu. i dont think this is a hoax!!!

  7. #7
    Isn't this a duplicate thread already? Naa man gud gi merge na nga thread about Swine flu. Hehe.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Platinum Member Reggaeton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samamar21 View Post
    i hope our government is prepared on this swine flu. i dont think this is a hoax!!!
    mao, sakto ka bro i hope ready na ang goberno nato ani, gi-ahak kahadlok bya ani wui

  9. #9
    Hoax or not, there is nothing wrong with taking the necessary precautions and measures to ensure we do not acquire the virus. The health authorities and the rest of the government are asking people to cooperate in their own way so as to prevent any sickness arising from this H1N1 flu.

    It's better to be careful than be sorry later on after ignoring the warnings and issuances of the health authorities. Rich or poor, everyone can acquire it if not careful. Never blame the government for not doing its job because the DOH has constantly reminded everyone to be cautious.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by colossus View Post
    30 countries are already facing the problem on this swine flu. I don't think this is a hoax. Imagine, one can die in just three days with that influenza. If such is a hoax, it should not be fatal, at the very least. But it is fatal, we should really be aware of it.

    It's actually commendable that the government agencies concerned keep on providing us pieces of information to help us avoid it. More so, the advisories and timely quarantine of those who came from abroad gives us assurance that they will not let the swine flu reach the Philippines. I hope not.
    Correct! And most of the leaders of these countries were not born yesterday. So, if you (topic owner) believed that this was a hoax then I guess you have to do more studies about this phenomenon, then after that, you will find your topic a big hoax. Hoax indeed.

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