hey guys! if uL b g0ne s0on (n0t by death really), h0w do u want ur family, friends, acquaintances, relatives,classmates, pr0fess0rs and other people to remember u? d0 you want 2 be remembered as a cheerful one? A j0ker? Advicer? Hapy g0 lucky? Seri0us? or any other? b sure ur p0sts describe u or wiL give a hint of what u are. . u can share oL of that here!
im sure we aLL want 2 LEAVE marks in every one's Life. . dats quite g0od ryt? so p0st it n0w! =D
iL start!
i want 2 b rmemberd as a g0od advicer wd a g0od sense of hum0r aLso. an enthusiast. . sweet and cheerfuL. . a pers0n hu L0Ves adventures. .. "kiat and b0g0y ug y Libog kung asang kiat tua nyahaha". .