We all know what Reverse Psychology is, right?
Try this one on...
I once read that the surgeon general's warning on
cigarette packages may be one of the reasons why cigarettes
are so POPULAR.
Here's the logic: When a person sees that warning that is
telling them that it's dangerous to smoke, they think to
themselves "Hey, I'm living in the fast lane and I can
handle the danger... I'll show everyone how cool I am by
smoking these dangerous cigarettes..."
Interesting idea, isn't it?
Well, it doesn't really matter if you believe that
particular example. What does matter is that you learn
how to use the idea of Reverse Psychology to your
advantage when it comes to your success with women.
Reverse Psychology is powerful because it GOES AGAINST
COMMON LOGIC AND REASONING. Because of this, it's not
usually obvious (unless you make it obvious).
One of my favorite ways to use Reverse Psychology is
in situations with attractive women.
Most guys don't really think about the fact that most
attractive women are being told ALL THE TIME that they are
beautiful, attractive, stunning, etc.
And they don't realize that when they give an attractive
woman a compliment, it often backfires on them because
they are INSTANTLY seen as being the SAME as all the other
guys out there.
We humans like unique, interesting things... we don't like
the same old same old.
Let me ask you: Would you like to eat the same thing every
day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? I mean, even if you
got to have your very favorite food for all three meals it
would get old very fast.
The same goes here. Let me explain...
Let's say you're standing in line at the bank next to a
stunning woman. What would be the best approach to use to
open a conversation and get an email address, phone number
or a date?
Well, what most guys do is either:
1) Do nothing because they don't know what to do.
2) Say "You're beautiful" just like all the other guys.
3) Say "I'll bet you have a boyfriend, huh?"
Bad, bad, bad.
It would be MUCH better to say "Your shoe is untied" or
even "What time is it?" than any of these common, lame,
predictable comments or questions.
You probably realize that most of your communication is
not the words you use, but the body language and voice
tone that you use.
Well, it's important when you're meeting a woman for the
first time to stay cool, calm, and collected... and to
This will make her say "Hey, this guy isn't trying to
horn in on me... he seems DIFFERENT."
You can then continue to do one of my favorite things of
all time, and say "Hey, you seem nice... like you might
make a nice FRIEND. Give me your number and I'll call
you next week and maybe we can be FRIENDS."
I hope you understand what I'm saying here. By being
unusual and challenging, you immediately separate
yourself from the 'average' guy who just acts all
Now, this is just one example, and there are many
exceptions to this idea. If you look like Brad Pitt you
can say anything you want. And this type of approach
works best on VERY ATTRACTIVE women.
Now that you have the idea, how can you adapt it to
your particular situation? Take some time to think about
it, and I think that you'll realize that you can use
reverse psychology in many different situations to
separate yourself from the crowd.
If you wanna learn more or learn what I know, join me at