Being in love, not just any love but feeling the right girl to fall in love
"This week ive felt excitement and energyÂ*

, but i still didnt know where my stength came from until now that the feeling of doing something for someone is already part of being in love.
Ive felt in love to a lot of things and people but this girl that ive been w/ is a freind before that i just stood at her back, knowing nothing about her until now.
everytime i plan to see her or help her out in someways makes me feel good in my soul and mind, and im a type of person who usually dont help others but doing something for her really makes me happy,.. even more happy than doing something for my self.
everytime i wakeup in the morning, everytime i see the day, everytime i do something, and even before i sleep i could'nt stop thinking about her, she knows that i love her so much but (i think soo..)(T_T) i can never force her to love me back, i might ( i think ) not be good looking just like other dream boys, but at least i can make her happy, full fill her dreams, or make her smile when shes down, i will always be w/ her even if im only a shadow in her back & even though the love i feel for her is like a knife stab in my heart."
i hope my first EMO story of feeling in love @ the 1st stage is not that silly or crappy ( i really suck at eng. grammar & im not that dude who always write stuff like this)
about the girl im inlove w/ she is also who introduce me to this yui fan site & she really looks like YUi ()... wish i could show u her cute smile
( e.g. Yui: )
if u have any suggestion on what u think i should do pls.. feel free to post or PM me if its personal ( thank you very much )