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  1. #1

    Default SKY Cable Internet: The Best ISP Soon?

    I have heard about sky cable internet offers cheaper and bigger bandwidth though it is for residential purposes only and also for selected area as far as i know. anybody currently using this kind of connection maybe can share their experience and can tell about the performance of this ISP? please if anybody out there.

    Facts about this sky cable internet connection are:
    1. They use fibre optic as thier backbone connection.
    2. They have sealed cable connection.(no grounded or open wire exposed to humidity)
    3. Fibre optic operates higher speed than wired connection.

    Facts about telephone wired internet:
    I will explain first a bit about telephone connection. I work before in the telephone company particularly in the installation department. There are several problems occurred in the telephone connection which can affect the internet connectivity.

    1. They have open wires (damaged) due to wear and tear condition which can affect connection when exposed to water.
    2. When the tel wire i exposed to water and heat will produce corrosion of the copper wire that leads to grounded and loose of connection.
    3. Copper wire is less in conductivity.

    That's why I open this topic to prove their claim to be the fastest internet connection. Feel free to give your comment, reactions and suggestions. TY!

  2. #2
    Hinay gihapon, bisag mag 12Mbps pa na sila.

  3. #3
    Basta maintain lang 3mbps ok nako it doesnt matter Cable or DSL. Just give me a stable connection I will shut my mouth to the techsupport.

  4. #4
    ScrapeBox Development softtouch's Avatar
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    Skycable is nonsense. I had that twice, and terminated it twice. Its a shared connection. They assign lets say 3mbps to you, then other people use the internet and your bandwidth drops.
    I had barely 800kbps average.

  5. #5
    Cable internet is shared,, and when number of subscribers increased,,,thats the day the devil has made. Welcome to Hell! ^__^

  6. #6
    So what if its shared, mag.ilog man gihapon gani sa bandwidth even with Globe DSL >_> . The only real way to get the advertised speed is by paying three-four times and get the business plans

  7. #7
    cable internet is like a LAN, more users in your neighborhood, less bandwidth. speed fluctuates throughout the day. less expensive than dsl.
    dsl internet is dedicated connection to the switching station, not shared. speed is more consistent, stable. a bit more expensive.

    dsl/cable can both use fiber optic backbone. both use copper connection going to the house/residence.
    connection quality can depend on how old/new the cables are and good/bad maintenance.

  8. #8
    hey guys, why did you say it's shared connection? if i say i have a 1mbps conection and my nieghbor has 2mpbs connection? does 2mbps connection affect my 1mbps connection? what is the posible reason behind the heavy traffic in our ISP? am, i have no idea about this, i'm just a simple internet user...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by amdboy View Post
    hey guys, why did you say it's shared connection? if i say i have a 1mbps conection and my nieghbor has 2mpbs connection? does 2mbps connection affect my 1mbps connection? what is the posible reason behind the heavy traffic in our ISP? am, i have no idea about this, i'm just a simple internet user...
    think of it as one big water pipe (MCWD) for your neighborhood. the water from this pipe will be shared among the household in your area. the more household in your area the lesser water that will be allotted to you. and the 2mbps connection means that your neighbor is having a bigger pipe connected the source pipe compared to your 1mbps.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by spookey View Post
    think of it as one big water pipe (MCWD) for your neighborhood. the water from this pipe will be shared among the household in your area. the more household in your area the lesser water that will be allotted to you. and the 2mbps connection means that your neighbor is having a bigger pipe connected the source pipe compared to your 1mbps.
    That explains everything!

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