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  1. #1

    Default usa sa mga butang na dapat extra cautious jud ta, kung....

    kung mo critize ta...
    .......unsa na siya?

    it's a manner to recognize imperfection . it's an unfavorable opinion. it is a safe escape to hide one's insecurities . it's a way of being an overbearingly assuming that you know better than the others and tend to see other's fault and not being mindful of one's flaws.

    diba? watcha think?

  2. #2
    if I do criticize, honestly it's not being insecured.. mostly with my job before malain ang uban officemate nako bisan I said it nicely, but I was just tryign to correct or just share some knowledge....I criticize but in a good way.. not in a negative way.. ang uban mao lang na think nila sa person na nag criticize nila.

  3. #3
    depende sa imng tumong. there are destructive and constructive criticism ra ba.

  4. #4
    i don't usually criticize... I do pero in the back rajud.... sometimes mu criticize ko ug mga tawo harapharapan pero I always keep in mind nga dapat d ko makakita ug away tungod lang sa akong gisulti. ^^

  5. #5
    C.I.A. Peenut's Avatar
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    When i criticize..i must be cautious to every word that will c0me out of my m0uth..

    I do criticize people positively, i share my thoughts about who and what really they are....

  6. #6
    depende kung asa na nimo gamiton

  7.    Advertisement

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