Simple Living and Productivity articles to guide the rest of 2009:
Check two articles below related to Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. One is entitled "20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life" and the other one "The Power of Less" as posted by my productivity guru Tim Ferriss (author of Four Hour Workweek) whose ideas I have been trying to follow for the last 2 years.
20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life | Zen Habits
The Power of Less: Changing Behavior with Leo Babauta
You will surely enjoy the articles. I love the part that says "Forget Drama". This has been a great lessons for me and I often lecture my nieces and nephews about it.
And to add some of my personal things I wish I had known when I was starting out:
- multi-tasking is dumb. focus is king.
- be aware of your standards and raise them
- slowly changing yourself and your habits is more permanent than going all out
- plan but don't overplan
- in business: imitate before innovate and nothing sells by itself
- only idiots get bored easily
- ask yourself what's exciting rather than what you want (it is easier to answer)
- challenge people gently rather than persuading them to your views
- all video games and most things on the Internet are "unproductivity" programs