this is a dedicated thread for discussions on film, film cameras, & film techniques...
Â* Â* Â*...whether it be 35mm, medium format, 110, or whatever :mrgreen:
take note that the following rules are strictly enforced:
• when posting photographs other than your own always cite the original artist/photographer
• posted images larger than 500 x 500pixels @ 72dpi and/or 100kb will be deleted
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• if you feel a photograph is better viewed with a larger image than please post a thumbnail
Â* Â* Â* Â* or description with a link to the larger file
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• please post sensibly and observe censorship. for those who want to post things like nudes
Â* Â* Â* Â* should have instead a link to the photos with a tag stating: WARNING:[viewer discretion] artistic nude
Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*
• posted images and links to explicit nudes, sexual acts, illegal items & practices will be deleted
• post only constructive comments and criticism. unnecessary comments will be deleted
Â* Â* Â*
• no thread hogging/flooding
• always include exposure and equipment details with photographs when possible