A friend of mine from Dipolog sent me 3 snakes. They are beautiful creatures.
These are Red-tailed Green Ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)
More info here: Red-tailed Green Ratsnake -- (Elaphe [Gonyosoma] oxycephala)
They gave us two of these. One of them is bigger but it's snout has a wound, most likely a screen cage wound which is a result of it trying to escape from a screen cage. These were bought from street vendors who caught them in the wild and they probably don't have proper housing for these creatures. The other one is a smaller Red Tailed Green Rat Snake which has no snout wound. They appear to very docile and we are still slowly taming them.
I was also given a Mildly Venomous Mangrove snake. It was shedding while it was given to me and it is now with a friend of mine because I don't have and enclosure for it anymore and frankly, I am scared to handle it. I plan to sell it or donate it to Crocolandia. It also has a beautiful striking black yellow coloration. Being rear fanged it cant inject it's venom accurately but still, it is venomous.