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  1. #1

    Default Foreign Service Officer Examination

    The Board of Foreign Service Examinations, pursuant to provisions of the Foreign Service Act (R.A. 7157) of 1991 and the Revised Administrative Code of 1987, announces the holding of the 2009 FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER (FSO) EXAMINATION to recruit candidates for appointment to the position of Foreign Service Officer, Class IV.
    Applicants for the examination must be knowledgeable on the economic, political and social conditions of the Philippines, and must possess not only facility in oral communication, but also the personality traits essential to the performance of the duties of Foreign Service Officers. They must also be willing and able to accept assignments to any post where their services may be required.
    Applicants are advised to check the eligibility requirements to ensure that they meet the said admission requirements. Applicants who are found ineligible, or who have submitted incomplete application forms and requirements, shall not be allowed to take the examination, and their admission fees shall be forfeited.

    The duties of a Foreign Service Officer include: gathering information, analyzing and reporting political, economic, technological, cultural and other events and developments; drafting diplomatic notes and other forms of diplomatic correspondence; preparing briefing papers and other foreign policy papers for the Department and other offices of government as may be required; assisting in the preparation and conduct of international conferences; managing and supervising staff; disseminating information; working with other government agencies and private groups and individuals in promoting Philippine interests abroad; undertaking negotiations; assisting Filipinos abroad and protecting their rights; promoting Philippine culture and trade; bringing in foreign investments and promoting tourism to the Philippines; performing consular functions; and representing the Philippines in various international fora.


    The FSO Examination is composed of 5 parts:

    (1) Qualifying Test;

    (2) Preliminary Interview;

    (3) Written Test;

    (4) Oral Test; and

    (5) Psychological Test.

    I. Qualifying Test - 10 May 2009
    The Qualifying Test covers (1) English grammar and correct usage; (2) reading comprehension; (3) logical reasoning; (4) quantitative reasoning/data interpretation; and (5) leadership/ knowledge of management concepts.
    The testing centers for the Qualifying Test are in Baguio City, Cagayan de Oro City, Cebu City, Davao City, Iloilo City, Legazpi City, Quezon City, San Fernando City (La Union), and Zamboanga City. Tests are also held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Vienna, Austria; and Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
    Candidates must obtain a passing grade of at least 80% in the Qualifying Test in order to qualify for the Preliminary Interview.

    II. Preliminary Interview - 18 & 19 July 2009 (tentative)

    The Preliminary Interview shall be held after the results of the Qualifying Test have been determined. Candidates shall be interviewed by a panel of Foreign Service Officers to evaluate their overall potential for becoming Foreign Service Officers and future Ambassadors.
    The Preliminary Interview shall be held in Metro Manila, Cebu City, Davao City, Iloilo City and Zamboanga City. However, the Board reserves the right not to conduct the Preliminary Interview outside Metro Manila depending on the number of qualified candidates.
    Candidates must obtain an overall rating of “PASS” from the panel in order to qualify for the Written Test.
    Candidates who passed the 2007 and 2008 Qualifying Tests, and are less than thirty-six (36) years of age at the time of the first day of the interview period, must pass the Preliminary Interview to be eligible to take the Written Test.
    III. Written Test - 22, 23, 24 July 2009 (tentative)
    The Written Test covers the following six subjects with the corresponding weights:

    1. English 20% 2. Filipino 5% 3. Philippine Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Conditions - Philippine history, culture, foreign policy, geography, government, development issues and goals 30% 4. International Affairs - Theory and practice of international economics and trade, international politics, international law and treaties
    20% 5. World History 20% 6. Foreign Language - Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish
    5% The testing centers for the Written Test are in Metro Manila, Cebu City, Davao City, Iloilo City and Zamboanga City. However, the Board reserves the right not to conduct the Written Test outside Metro Manila depending on the number of qualified candidates.
    Candidates must obtain a passing grade of at least 75% in the Written Test in order to qualify for the Oral Test.
    IV. Oral Test - 11, 12, 13 November 2009 (tentative)

    The Oral Test shall be held in Manila after the results of the Written Test shall have been determined. The Oral Test shall include an assessment of the candidate’s oral skills, logical thinking, values and attitude. Previous records and experiences shall also be considered in determining the candidate’s fitness and aptitude for foreign service work.
    Candidates must obtain a passing grade of at least 80% in the Oral Test in order to qualify for the Psychological Test.
    V. Psychological Test - 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 November 2009 (tentative)
    The Psychological Test shall be held in Manila after the results of the Oral Test have been determined.
    Candidates must obtain a rating of “Recommended” or “Recommended with Reservations” in order to pass the Psychological Test.

    Applicants shall meet the following requirements:
    1. Age Limit - Applicants shall be less than thirty-six (36) years of age on 10 May 2009. The maximum age limit, however, does not apply to any person who is holding a position of responsibility in the Department of Foreign Affairs or Foreign Service Institute for at least two years prior to the date of the Examination and who is otherwise qualified to take the examinations.
    2. Education - Applicants shall have at least graduated from a four (4) year bachelor’s degree course or its equivalent, and shall present a copy each of their transcript of records, and either their diploma, certificate of graduation or its equivalent, from a college or university of recognized standing.
    3. Citizenship - Applicants shall be Filipino citizens. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9225 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, those who pass the FSO Examinations, with more than one citizenship, shall subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines and its duly constituted authorities, and renounce their oath of allegiance to any other country, prior to assumption of office. For more information on the rules governing citizenship under R.A. 9225, please visit Philippines : Gov.Ph : Frequently Asked Questions : Philippines


    1. Application forms may be obtained in the following ways:
    a. Downloaded from the DFA website (;
    b. Personally secured from the Main Office or Regional Consular Offices (RCO) of the DFA, or from the Civil Service Commission Regional Offices (Please see pages 4 and 5 for the addresses);
    c. Mailed to the applicants upon written request to the BFSE Secretariat, Main Office of the DFA, or its RCOs.
    2. Application forms shall be duly accomplished by the applicants and returned either by mail, or in person, not later than 20 March 2009 to any Regional Consular Office or Foreign Service Post, or not later than 27 March 2009 to the DFA Main Office.
    3. The following shall be attached to the completed application forms:
    a. Photocopy of diploma or certificate of graduation from the school, college or university attended by the applicant;
    b. Photocopy of transcript of records from the school, college or university attended by the applicant;
    c. Birth certificate issued by the National Statistics Office, and
    ● for a naturalized Philippine citizen: a copy of Philippine naturalization papers or Philippine passport,
    ● for a Philippine citizen who has dual or multiple citizenships: a notarized affidavit stating that upon passing the examination, applicant intends to renounce his/her oath of allegiance to his/her other countries of citizenship;
    d. Two (2) pieces 1-1/2in. x 2in. black and white or color studio-taken photographs, taken within six (6) months before the date of the examination, showing the full frontal view of the face of the applicant with a name tag (i.e. Juan M. dela Cruz, Jr.)(photocopied, scanned and digitally enhanced pictures shall not be accepted);
    e. One (1) piece 2in. x 2in. photograph, two (2) pieces 1in. x 1in. photographs all taken within six (6) months before the date of the Qualifying Test, showing the full frontal view of the face of the applicant; and
    f. Two (2) self-addressed and self-stamped envelopes marked as priority mail.
    A non-refundable admission fee of five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be collected from those who shall take the 2009 Qualifying Test.

    More Information HERE

  2. #2
    asa ang review classes for the oral part?

  3. #3
    harder than d bar exams or medical board exams...where even doctors and lawyers fail

    lisod au ni brad.d nlang ta niani...impossible

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by blackheart73 View Post
    harder than d bar exams or medical board exams...where even doctors and lawyers fail

    lisod au ni brad.d nlang ta niani...impossible
    think positive bai. suway syuway lang gud.

    mu try niya ko ug take ani. its an honor man gud nga ma FSO ka kay ma active ta sa International community.

  5. #5
    lahi ra jud ang level basta fso ka cuz paspas ang career growth unlike ordinary employee sa dfa mang retire nalang la pa jud. diplomat ang gawas nmu.

    ako take ko ani next year and il review at ATENEO! id like to be an fso fulfilling cguro ang life sa public service coming from my current deathly call center job.

    id like to be posted to south africa, hawaii, tokyo and most especially sa havana cuba given i got to bid on it succesfully.

    next announcement for examinations will mostly be this coming summer, so fellow cebuanos whos with me?

  6. #6
    murag naka pasar man ako cousin ani. sa DFA i-assign first? if sakto ko. mao jud ni iya gi take. lisod jud daw ni. grabe ang exams.

  7. #7

    Default fsoe reviewer

    hi! naa mo nahibaloan where makakuha ug reviewer for fso exam? asa diri sa manila? i need to know. salamat kaayo.

  8. #8
    I would not dare.. call it coward!! hehe.. BSIR ako course, then ang amu suma cum laude kai na fail sa Oral Test..

    Roomate nako ang amo suma sa dorm, and heck! wala niya na enjoy ang college life, she spent most of her time reading any current events articles. UP diliman tu xa gkan BSPol.Sci

    Public speaking? maayo kaau. Sa amu mga major? sus grabe.well-versed! sya lang gyud naka flat 1.0 sa amung Int'l law nga subj. unya kami kai 5.0 bagsak. naka tulo kog take ana IL ui.

    then we heard she took the FSO exam, then failed xa sa oral exam kai murag consuls,diplomats ,charge de affairs ang ni interview niya.Panel interview daw.they asked her about diplomacy, the status of philippines in the int'l arena, they asked her about apil p[a gyud daw radical islamism...and a whole lot more nga maka brain damage..mag nose bleed man imu brain cells..hahahha.daghan kuno kaau.. but right now, naa na cya sa DFA nag work related ghapon about Foreign service

    mao ng nah...di nalang ko kwentahun kung mu take ko?hahah

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by abrielle View Post
    I would not dare.. call it coward!! hehe.. BSIR ako course, then ang amu suma cum laude kai na fail sa Oral Test..

    Roomate nako ang amo suma sa dorm, and heck! wala niya na enjoy ang college life, she spent most of her time reading any current events articles. UP diliman tu xa gkan BSPol.Sci

    Public speaking? maayo kaau. Sa amu mga major? sus grabe.well-versed! sya lang gyud naka flat 1.0 sa amung Int'l law nga subj. unya kami kai 5.0 bagsak. naka tulo kog take ana IL ui.

    then we heard she took the FSO exam, then failed xa sa oral exam kai murag consuls,diplomats ,charge de affairs ang ni interview niya.Panel interview daw.they asked her about diplomacy, the status of philippines in the int'l arena, they asked her about apil p[a gyud daw radical islamism...and a whole lot more nga maka brain damage..mag nose bleed man imu brain cells..hahahha.daghan kuno kaau.. but right now, naa na cya sa DFA nag work related ghapon about Foreign service

    mao ng nah...di nalang ko kwentahun kung mu take ko?hahah
    hahah mao ning sakto illustration na lisod gyud. But still goodluck sa mga brave nga mu-take!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by abrielle View Post
    I would not dare.. call it coward!! hehe.. BSIR ako course, then ang amu suma cum laude kai na fail sa Oral Test..

    Roomate nako ang amo suma sa dorm, and heck! wala niya na enjoy ang college life, she spent most of her time reading any current events articles. UP diliman tu xa gkan BSPol.Sci

    Public speaking? maayo kaau. Sa amu mga major? sus grabe.well-versed! sya lang gyud naka flat 1.0 sa amung Int'l law nga subj. unya kami kai 5.0 bagsak. naka tulo kog take ana IL ui.

    then we heard she took the FSO exam, then failed xa sa oral exam kai murag consuls,diplomats ,charge de affairs ang ni interview niya.Panel interview daw.they asked her about diplomacy, the status of philippines in the int'l arena, they asked her about apil p[a gyud daw radical islamism...and a whole lot more nga maka brain damage..mag nose bleed man imu brain cells..hahahha.daghan kuno kaau.. but right now, naa na cya sa DFA nag work related ghapon about Foreign service

    mao ng nah...di nalang ko kwentahun kung mu take ko?hahah
    thanks for the very informative share. well, she still have it goin though since she can always retake it until shes 36, i think she'll pass


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