A call to action to every Proletariat Pilipinos:
Never ever believed that the philippines is getting better with all these "GDP" B*******
because all of these so called growth are the result of foreign walk in capital. What is that?
Money (w/c is from the first place not capital in its strict technical definition) that comes here in the Philippines, that generates lots of profit via the use of "OUR" "( OUR= Philippine Patrimony)" "CHEAP LABOR" and "RAW MATERIALS", and eventually flies back to the "PARASITE COUNTRY" i.e US, JAPAN, EUROPE, and the entire 1st world.
There is a deception here, because GDP counts the overall output of the economy regardless of what nationality the firms are. For example if you have an American firm producing lots of weapons for use in the killing of innocent people in Iraq or elsewhere, being produce in the Philippines, and a Filipino firm producing "banigs" and "ropes" which has a relatively LOW revenue compared to the American firm; in counting Philippine GDP, the high revenues of the American firm will boost up the country's GDP. So what's the bad thing about that? Well there is no real growth because the profits earned by the American firm will not stay in the Philippine economy to circulate, rather, it will fly out form the country thus becoming a leakage to the Philippine economy. So in short theres no real economic growth in what the government calls "High GDP"
Its just a stupid illusion, theres no trickle down effect thats happening, theres only exploitation, abuse, and an outright violation of our constitution. Do you know that Foreign mining firms are actually violating the Philippine constitution? have you heard of the so called Patrimony of the Land? they're breaking our damn rules and were not doing anything about it... Yes they do generate jobs, but Substandard ones, and they're taking advantage of our poor labor laws which are not entirely implemented... This is NEO COLONIALISM!!! IMPERIALISM at its highest!!
so in short im calling all Filipino intellectuals to ponder on these things, to the workers and peasants i call upon you to unite for a common cause and against a common enemy. Strike while the iron is hot! As of now the reigning Global Econmic System is going down... this is our chance to finally end the cycle of poverty an exploitation... I call upon you workers of the world to unite, we have nothing to loose but our chains!