2 yr old
small size/toy poodle
give birth once- 4 pups normal delivery
very sweet
will be ready by end of march pa coz naa pa bacolod ang dog
RFS: we will be moving to a small apartmnt here in cebu and bawal ang dogs....
Price 6k neg pa
2 yr old
small size/toy poodle
give birth once- 4 pups normal delivery
very sweet
will be ready by end of march pa coz naa pa bacolod ang dog
RFS: we will be moving to a small apartmnt here in cebu and bawal ang dogs....
Price 6k neg pa
halo mam , naa pic sa poodle cute?
will post pic as soon as maka kuha na ko, naa pa man gud bacolod ang dog.
waiting for the pics...
5k last price
hi, plz send me picz of your toy poodle, ako nalay buy ana kung ganahan ko sa pic
heres my ym red_hart89
hi.... naa k pix s poodle?
hi interested ko sa toy poodle..with paper ni?
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