Boss md2 + Boss noise gate NF1 = 3k 0nly! and Vintage Boss Enhancer for 2.5k only!!!
Boss md2 and Boss Noise Gate 3k only!!!!!!!!!
A Noise Gate helps keep the signal quiet when you don't play. It sets a threshold where it filters out any sound.
This is the easiest piece of gear to get a good sound out of. It's 3 controls (Mix, Frequency and Sens) make it very easy to get a tone you like. Mix controls how much the dry signal is mixed with the "enhanced" signal. Frequency controls the frequency it enhances at. and sens controls how it reacts to the enhancing. low sens = low ammount of enhancing, high sens = high ammount enhancing
This pedal is suited for all styles, it can work with any player in my opinion.
Vintage Boss Enhancer for 2.5 only!!!
But if you buy this all gear ill give it 5k only!!!
For serious buyer just text me 09064076050
Thanks! God Bless!