Astro Boy is a 2009 American computer-animated 3-D film based on the highly successful Japanese franchise of the same name by Osamu Tezuka. It is being produced by Imagi Animation Studios, the animation production company of TMNT and the upcoming Gatchaman. The studio announced the project in September 2006. It was presented in Real D Cinema.It will be directed by David Bowers (Flushed Away) and produced by Maryann Garger with Pilar Flynn as associate producer. The film was originally to be directed by Colin Brady, who directed the 2006 animated film Everyone's Hero. It has been announced that Freddie Highmore will provide the voice for the character of Astro Boy in the movie.
Set in futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy is a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist in the image of the son he has lost. Unable to fulfill the grieving man's expectations, Astro Boy embarks on a journey in search of acceptance, experiencing betrayal and a netherworld of robot gladiators, before he returns to save Metro City and reconcile with the father who had rejected him.
Nicolas Cage ... Dr. Tenma
Bill Nighy ... Dr. Elefun
Kristen Bell ...
Freddie Highmore ... Astro Boy
Donald Sutherland ... General Stone
Eugene Levy ... Orrin
Matt Lucas ...
Nathan Lane ... Ham Egg
Madeline Carroll ... Widget / Grace
Sterling Beaumon ... Sludge / Sam
Release Date : October 23, 2009