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  1. #1

    Default Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    I wanna ask you guys unsa ang mas nindot kung Mozcom Cable Internet ba or PLDT/Globelines DSL

    If my plan for Mozcom Cable Internet is 256kbps, will I also download at the same speed as 256kbps plans for DSL? Cause my understanding is that Cable is faster than DSL, so if my DSL download for 256kbps is 30-40KBps, will they have the same download speed as Mozcom Cable Internet?

    Which one is better, in general? PLDT/Globe DSL or Mozcom Cable Internet?

    Daghang salamat!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    limited ang area sa mozcom cable internet

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    i heard it in the radio limited ra daw..

    pro basin nindot ni cya sah kay limited subscribers pa...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    hmm kung covered ka sa ilang area, its worth a look

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    yup my area is actually covered..

    so I guess no one is Mozcom here..

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    check also the brand of equipment used... take note that you will be experiencing slow browsing especially during peak hours... dont be swayed by promotions....

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    I've read sa internet that faster ang cable compared sa DSL simply because of the medium used. Assuming same ilang 'promised' nga speed. The only reason that I will suggest DSL over cable is security. I made a research almost two years ago about that. My mom also had a cable internet but that's outside PH. She experienced lots of problems and was freaking out like someone was monitoring her actions or surfing experience. I suggested DSL and the problems she encountered disappeared. My mom knows nothing about internet security and had to make long distance to ask me security related questions. But if you install software firewalls and configure your Windows machine to make more secure then cable would be alright I guess. I'm not sure if cable internet setup have changed over the years.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    tag pila ang monthly sa mozcom cable internet?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    in cable internet... you SHARE a line... if you neighbors uses this cable internet which is where you're also connected then you will share the full bandwidth this cable internet can offer. Expect slow downs during peak hours....

  10. #10

    Default Re: Mozcom Cable Internet or PLDT/Globelines DSL?

    I had an experience not with cable internet but friends in europe used this technology, so far so good as what their feedback was, but to thier attention i got faster downloads than what they're experiencing, ,I had a GLBB then......

  11.    Advertisement

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