im selling or trading my palm tungsten T2 PDA...just post ur offers...i want to trade it with a wifi fone, add lng ko cash..
cenxa na sa pix kay ako ra fone ang gamit ana...hihihih
im selling or trading my palm tungsten T2 PDA...just post ur offers...i want to trade it with a wifi fone, add lng ko cash..
cenxa na sa pix kay ako ra fone ang gamit ana...hihihih
ako na etrade ug units bro,.,. if interested ka text me
here are my offers :
sony ericson t630i
ug panasonic x300 . . smallest phone ever
my number 09235345962
trade to my se k610i complete box and accessories red color all orig. plus 1k txt 0938-5135465
up up up......
up nasad ko ani..
post a pic usa bro of the actual unit.
will post pix soon bro...but at the while, google lang sa mo...hihih...up up up
up nasad ko.....
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