In today's dating culture for twenty-somethings, it's a circus of one-night stands, *** buddies, booty calls and casual dating. With these common, yet short-lived, expectations, how will we know when we're ready for a real, long-term relationship? A better question might be: How will we know when someone
else is ready for a real, long-term relationship?
Allow me to kill two birds with one blog.
There's nothing wrong with experimentation as a young adult (as long as you are healthy and safe), but most people will reach a point where they long for something more substantial and lasting.
In my experience with couples, I've found that a certain level of emotional intelligence and maturity will usually attract those of equal value. In other words, you get what you give, and if you are an emotional mess, chances are you're going to attract someone in the same place. The more secure you are with yourself, the better your chances of finding a future companion in the same vein.
However, the reverse is also true.
A key factor among single people that determines their readiness for real love and their ability to attract it is their level of desperation. Desperation is a most unattractive perfume which repels the guys that have it together and attracts the predators and parasites you so want to avoid.
Remember that in order to be eligible for true love, you need to be happy with yourself first. But don't worry! It's still possible to search for personal clarity alongside a partner as long as you allow he or she to
compliment your personality, rather than complete you.
It's only when you are independent and know who you are that you can attract the partner that's going to be right for you.