just want to share this tips on dating or choosing a new partner. we know that there is no perfect relationship or perfect person. Each one of us created unique by God. there is no exact replica sa kinaiya sa taw.
When choosing a new partner or dating, do not list all the good and bad sa imong mga ex's. Lets say your bf1/gf1 is sweet but not a showtype, si bf2/gf2 is not boring he has surprises everytime nga magkita mo, si bf3/gf3 is pala away. do not list all those nice and bad shot para nmo then imong tanawon kung naa bana sa imong ka date or ng court nmo.
Tagaan nmo sila ug chance to show who he/she is. Basin sya diay ang imong destiny bisa sa wla nya ang imong mga gipangita. Its normal to comment nga "si kuwan kay sweet kaayo to sya kani karon kay dili man sweet, boring kaayo sya." but if you do that or started to think that way ur loosing ur love to that person kay naghandom ka ug MAS...
And also stop thinking na "ang akong ex kay liar, so basin liar sad ka i hate liars". dont do that kay at first you already giving him a idea how to hide ang mga dapat isulti. let them show what they are and its for you to find out. dont tell them what you dont like.
diri lang osa ko mga higala..