This short film is a prequel to The Lord Of The Rings, set in Middle Earth which depicts events leading up to the Fellowship of the Ring. The story follows the Heir of Isildur; the "greatest huntsman and traveller in Middle Earth" as he sets out to find the creature Gollum. The creature must be found to discover the truth about the Ring, and to protect the future Ringbearer.
The Hunt For Gollum is a non profit collaborative short film by a group of volunteer filmmakers. As with other fan films we are making this purely for the enjoyment of the material and the experience of making a high quality low budget film.
As a non-profit production, the entire film will be released online for FREE download here on
:: THE HUNT FOR GOLLUM :: A Lord Of The Rings Fan Film and various websites. Also, as production is still underway there is currently an opportunity for anyone to sponsor the production and receive a DVD copy plus a credit on the film. By contributing to the project you will support low budget film and increase the quality of the final result.
The script is based on the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, and references in The Fellowship of the Ring.