old and unused for a couple of years. still works. will let it go for [P13,000.00} P11,000.00 - RUSH!
buyer picks it up!
old and unused for a couple of years. still works. will let it go for [P13,000.00} P11,000.00 - RUSH!
buyer picks it up!
asa ang location ani? how many years naman ni wala na gamit?
do i have any warranty or maybe money back guarantee if ever ma discover ni nako na guba ni or cannot be repaired? Please advice. thanks
PM me bro coz interested ko makig sabot nimo ani..
unused ni?? bsan gi taya na ni boss??
interested here too... please update more specs and defects boss.. (if naa)
salot - location is in talisay. mga almost 2 years wala na gamit and naa ra sa bodega. had it tested and it still works. you can test it before you buy it. will give one week personal guarantee!
howard83 - used this before and haven;t used it for almost 2 years. naay taya gamay ofcourse!
whats the brand and where did you buy this? I ask the latter because I want to know if they can fix it, in case.
soory, don't know the brand. was a gift from my uncle.
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