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  1. #1

    Default Streaming/Playing videos in

    hey guys...i want to stream/play a video that is found in my pc to my website using php but when i use the path "C:\upload\video\sample.flv" it does not play the video but when i tried to copy the sample video to my htdocs folder and use "http:\\localhost\sitename\sample.flv" it played the video...
    ive used a premade php class in which i found on the net and along with it are the swf player and swfobject.js.
    here is the class that i used:
    PHP Code:
    class VideoPlayer {
    $errors = array(
    => 'No archive joined.',
    => 'Invalid extension.',
    => 'File error.',
    => 'The file does not exist.'
         * Error ocurred
         * @var int
    private $error 0;
         * url of the video
         * @var String
    private $video NULL;
         * Extension of the video
         * @var String
    private $extension NULL;
         * Accepted extensions for play
         * @var mixed
    private $accepted_extensions = array('wmv''asx','flv','mov','rmv','rmvb','swf''mpg''mpeg');
         * Correct player
         * @var String
    private $player =  NULL;
         * Width of the player
         * @var int
    private $width 0;
         * Height of the player
         * @var int
    private $height 0;
         * If the player is autoplay or no
         * @var String
    private $autoplay 'false';
         * If the player show controls or no
         * @var String
    private $controls 'false';
         * Javascript for flash flv player
         * @var String
    private $swfObject NULL;

         * Class constructor
         * @param String video // Url of the video
         * @param int width // Width of the player
         * @param int height // Height of the player
         * @param String autoplay (true, false) // If the player is autoplay or no
         * @param String constrols (true, false) // If the player show controls or no
    public function __construct($video$width$height$autoplay 'false'$controls 'true') {

    $this->video    $video;
    $this->width    $width;
    $this->height   $height;
    $this->autoplay $autoplay;
    $this->controls $controls;

          if (!
    $this->verifyVideo()) { return false; }

    $this->verifyExtension()) { return false; }


         * Verify if archive exists
    private function verifyVideo() {

    $video = isset( $this->video ) ? $this->video false;

          if( !
    $this->video || $this->video == '' ){
    $this->error 1;
          } else {


         * Verify the video extension
    private function verifyExtension() {

    $this->extension end(explode('.'$this->video));

          if (!
    in_array($this->extension$this->accepted_extensions)) {
    $this->error 2;
          } else {


         * Return the correct
    private function returnPlayer() {

    /// Windows media player
    if (in_array($this->extension, array('wmv''asx'))) {

    $this->player  =
    '<object type="video/x-ms-wmv"
    .$this->width.'" height="'.$this->height.'">
              <param name="src" value="'
    .$this->video.'" />
              <param name="autostart" value="'
    .$this->autoplay.'" />
              <param name="controller" value="'
    .$this->controls.'" />


    /// Real player
    } else if (in_array($this->extension, array('rmv''rmvb'))) {

            if (
    $this->controls == 'true') {
    $control  'all';
    $control_ 'controlpanel';
            } else {
    $control  'false';
    $control_ 'false';

    $this->player  =
    '<object id="myMovie" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"
    .$this->width.'" height="'.$this->height.'">
              <param name="src" value="'
              <param name="console" value="video1">
              <param name="controls" value="'
              <param name="autostart" value="'
              <param name="loop" value="false">
              <embed name="myMovie" src="'
    .$this->video.'" width="'.$this->width.'" height="'.$this->height.'"
    .$this->autoplay.'" loop="false" nojava="false" console="video1" controls="'.$control_.'">
              <noembed><a href="'
    .$this->video.'">Play first clip</a></noembed>


    /// Quick time
    } else if (in_array($this->extension, array('mov'))) {

    $this->player  =
    '<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
    .$this->width.'" height="'.$this->height.'">
              <param name="src" value="'
    .$this->video.'" />
              <param name="controller" value="'
    .$this->controls.'" />
              <param name="autoplay" value="'
    .$this->autoplay.'" />
              <!--[if !IE]>-->
                <object type="video/quicktime"
    .$this->width.'" height="'.$this->height.'">
                <param name="autoplay" value="'
    .$this->autoplay.'" />
                <param name="controller" value="'
    .$this->controls.'" />


    /// Mpeg
    } else if (in_array($this->extension, array('mpg''mpeg'))) {

    $this->player =
    '<embed src="'.$this->video.'" autostart='.$this->autoplay.'
              loop=false controller='
    .$this->width.'" height="'.$this->height.'" />';


    /// Flash video player  
    } else if (in_array($this->extension, array('flv'))) {

    /*  if ($this->swfObject || $this->swfObject != NULL) {
              $this->player = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->swfObject.'"></script>';
            } else { */
    $this->player =
    '<p id="preview">The player will show in this paragraph</p>
              <script type="text/javascript" src="jw_flv_player/swfobject.js"></script>
              <script type="text/javascript">
              var s1 = new SWFObject("jw_flv_player/player.swf","player","400","300","9");
              s1.addVariable("showdigits", "'
              s1.addVariable("autostart", "'
    /// Flash player
    } else if (in_array($this->extension, array('swf'))) {

    $this->player  =
    '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
            <param name="movie" value="'
            <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
            <embed src="'


    /// Error
    } else {
    $this->error 3;


         * Return the errors if exist
         * @return String
    public function getLastError(){

          if (
    $this->error != 0) {
          } else {


        public function 
    setSwfObject($file) {

          if (
    is_file($file)) {
    $this->swfObject $file;
          } else {
    $this->error 4;


         * Return the player
         * @return String
    public function player() {

    $this->returnPlayer()) { return false; }




    i hope someone would help me..T__T

  2. #2
    Yep, unless you do have a local server on you pc the stream won't play. Any scripts can only read any files located within any server. It's a protocol otherwise any scripts can "C:\ delete *.*";(delete all) which is scary T_T.


  3. #3
    ok rna bro nga naa sa htdocs na folder unless dli ka ganahan.
    pwede rapud maghimo ka ug subfolder nga nagcontain sa imo mga videos.

  4. #4
    yeah...i was hoping nga pde tana...kay dili lng man gud videos ang ako mga files..naa sad mga photos and documents in which ako gi save sa "C:\upload\", gusto tna nko maguban ang mga uploaded files such as photos, documents and videos..hehe..

    but if no other choice gyud..den sa htdocs nlng...hihi..
    tnx sa help guys...

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