Will i wait for you? Antaykorine?
Is this your property? Arimoto?
Yes, this is my property. Arikoto.
Is this yours? Sayobato?
This is mine. Sakinitu.
Can I have it? Akinato?
You can have it. Sayonato (sing.)
Can we have it? Saminato?
You can have it. Sanyonato (pl.)
You haven't washed your face. Mimutamatamo.
You've grown so thin! Kitanabutomo.
We saw each other. Kitakami.
We had a big get-together. Kitakita kami.
Have a drink before you go. Toma kamuna.
That was my assumption. Inakarako.
Let's go quickly! Bachi-na-yota!
We will boycott the election. Kami noboto.
Underarm odor. Kirikiripawa
Are you a victim of discrimination? Minamatakaba?
I give up. Sukonako.
Ouch! Haraiku!
What a sad life it is. Hainaku.
I'm going to leave you. Sawanako sayo.
For adults only:
I made love to you. Inararokita.