If you kiss her, You are not a gentleman If you do not, You are not a man If you praise her, She thinks you are lying If you do not, You are good for nothing. If you agree to her likes, She abuses If you do not, You are not understanding If you make romance, You are an experienced man If you do not, You are half a man. If you visit her too often, She says you are too possessive If you do not visit at all, She will accuse you of double-crossing If you are well-dressed, She says you are a playboy If you are not, You are a dull boy. If you are jealous, She says it is bad If you are not, She thinks you don't love her If you are a minute late, She complains that it is hard to wait If she is late, She says that's a lady's way.
hehehe...babae talaga oh. the female species are sometimes eheeemm... hard to understand, but they're always exciting, loving...hmmmm...and full of surprises.There's always a good heart behind that hard-to-understand behavior.