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  1. #1

    Default A challenge to all ""d40 users"

    i bought my d40 2 mos. ago

    it was hard for me to use at first because it was my first time to hold a dslr
    but as time passed i was able to get comfortable with it.

    i am not a pro but surely,as i was reading books about photography i learned about the basics.
    i found a photographer named simon pais in i think his pix are nice
    though i know about shutterspeeds , iso and everything .i dont know what are the limitations of my d40.


    is it possible to take photos as as simon has ?

    i would really appreciate your feedback. i need your help guys.

    here are some of the pix that i like .

    and this



  2. #2
    IMO lang...for me,it's Yes...all DSLR are capable of doin such wonderful shots...just wait for some masters here for some tips&tricks...all i can say is practice,practice,practice..
    anyway, maybe you need some good lens, play with the lights, manual settings, filter effects and some PP.

  3. #3
    it's a combination of lighting skills, talent, and pp.

    the stock d40 with kit lens can create images you wanted like it's more expensive brothers.

  4. #4
    madala ra ni ingani nga result with kit lens? nya PP lang.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by harvz86 View Post
    madala ra ni ingani nga result with kit lens? nya PP lang.

    taken with kit lens .. Canon counterpart lang

  6. #6
    Yes, you can do it! Do not under estimate the power of the D40 (dark side nuon to ako ganahan sulti!) :P

  7. #7
    IMOH if you know how to controll the iso, shutter and aperture there is no limitation sa cam.. photography is all about light.. and photoshop. hahaha..
    Last edited by P-Chan; 09-11-2008 at 03:40 PM.

  8. #8

    Default ok

    guys, i appreciate your quick response.
    OK OK.
    so now your telling me that IT IS POSsIBLE.

    so far your teling me good things about the d40
    im thinking there must be some disadvantages about the d40
    what are those?

    do you know any famous photogs that use 6 mp dslrs or d40?
    (im not saying that 6 mp dslrs are bad but im just curious)
    been trying to search bout it but non of them exist.

  9. #9
    pros before uses D2H/1D(classic) which is just 4mp.

    just use your wild imagination and see.

  10. #10

    Default kjhlkdjshf

    i kinda like the pic that youve posted


    im sorry but id have to say that she looks a bit awkward
    i dot know
    it still looks amateur-ish

    pls dont take this seriously but its just an opinion

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