My thread was closed so I made new one.
Btw, Just want to clarify.
This is not for business purpose. This thread is for
free website building and coding tutorials/lessons for those who wants to have their own. I forgot the word
free. Sorry about that.
Ok let's get started
[Basic and Simple HTML]
- Open notepad and create new file.
- Type the following codes:
HTML Code:
<head><title>This is the title</title></head>
This is the body
- Save your file file.html not file.html.txt[Most common error in saving the file as html].
- Open file.html using Int. Explorer, Firefox, Opera or what they call web browser.
<html></html> To determine it is an html code.
<head></head> Your web page title.
<body</body> It is the body of your html.
You can see this
This is the body on your browser and
This is the title above the browser window or in the tab window.
You can change this
This is the body and
This is the title on your desired text.
Save it again and refresh your browser. You will see the changes.
There are also several codes you can add to customize your page.
Replace [Link Here] for the link of the image.
<img src="[Link Here]"> For Images
<br> Break - To move to another line.
Input codes:
<input type="text"> Input For Text
<input type="password"> Input For Password
<input type="button" value="Button"> Buttons
<input type="file"> File Upload
Many more......
You can now add the codes like this below:
HTML Code:
<head><title>This is the title</title></head>
This is the body<br>
<input type="text"> Input For Text<br>
<input type="password"> Input For Password<br>
<input type="button" value="Button"> Buttons<br>
<input type="file"> File Upload<br>
Save and see the results.
That's for now and I hope you have learned something.
[Optional] - My sad story on paypal.
I got problems about my paypal
I'm using subdomain on my website. I'm planning to have a domain but I can't purchase a domain cause my bank account [Chinatrust] was used before I cancel my account and when I signup again and added my bank account, my bank account cannot be transfered and when I contacted them about it, representatives reply that they cannot alter their system and I have to use other bank account. I have only 1 bank account.
Do you know some legal websites that register domains using bank accounts here in the philippines? I have saw many on google but I'm not sure bec. I have to deposit on their bank accounts and I'm afraid to be
SCAMMED so I search for official ICANN certified registrars. is too expensive.