Dalia ra au nako naka get over niya ui..He is now officially out of that special place in my heart..But, it seems like I got nothing else to do now..
What's next to letting go and moving on? Do I really need to commit myself to someone new?
Dalia ra au nako naka get over niya ui..He is now officially out of that special place in my heart..But, it seems like I got nothing else to do now..
What's next to letting go and moving on? Do I really need to commit myself to someone new?
if i were you, enjoy life as being single sah!.. lets parteeeeeeeeeeey!
I am enjoying it man, and I got great friends around whom I spend my time with..But aside from work, nothing much takes up my time..With him before, the schedule was pretty crazy since it takes some time for us to see each other..
Nah..I'm not into shopping, bro..I only buy stuff..Mgsakit ako ulo anang shopping..I'm more into reading man ui..So characters ra sa books ako mailhan ani..hehehe
Maybe I just need some new things to do..I'm actually trying to look for an additional job..Hehehe..
I'm interested in what other people do once they're past the moving on stage..Do you go and commit to someone new?
I do not understand why girls think that they need to be in a relationship to be happy. Or immediately move on to the next boyfriend to fill the void.
Get another job. Volunteer for something in your church or in a charity. Try to see if you can relieve someone of their kids for a night a week by baby-sitting. Become a better person.
There are so many things to do, iha. Look around. Clean your house. Learn a hobby....sewing ba... cooking ba...gardening ba... who knows...you might find a new way to earn money pa di ba?
IC.. Hmm?! Let me think.. If it was me, i'd go out flirting with some other gurls.. Hehe.. LOL.. But in your case, I guess you should date other guys.. Go out and have some fun, experience new things, read exciting books (coz you love 'em..).. OR you could take a new hobby.. or hubby (if you've found some1 better than the other guy!) wakekek..
Ate, I know the basics on the three already..Enough for survival purposes ba..hehehe..I just found out that I have more time to spare now, so I'm looking for some other stuff to do..And you are right.. We do not need to be in a relationship to be happy..I'm happy now though a little lonely sometimes..But, it's all good..
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