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  1. #1

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    2 computer shops closed their doors this month ANDERSONS® and COPPER TECH® . im not sure if there gonna open back in the future but im hoping for the best. Accourding to my sources the reason why they close is beacuse few people only buy from them & a lot of big competitors are dominating the marketing battle . tsk.. tskk... tskk.... oh well .....

  2. #2

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    pardon me for asking asa mana ang copper tech? ang ANDERSONS mo close?d ba sge man sla advertise sa ila pricelist sa sunstar...

  3. #3

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    ang anderson kay naa located sa accross Cebu Doctors & Emall
    Copper tech computer shop & frames is located in country mall (ang framing business nila dili mo close)

  4. #4

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    are they really that good a company? i mean it does happen to every business. competition is what you should put up w/.

  5. #5

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    that was just expected in a business that have a poor customer support!...beh bote nga..

  6. #6

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    oi ang Coppertech maayo ila costumer support ambot lang sa anderson

  7. #7

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    are you sure andersons? mo close na sila? silingan mi sa emall, abli paman sila

  8. #8

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    maylang mag closing sale... para barato tanan daghan jud mamalit dba...
    strategy... close out sale pero dli gud tinuod mo close para daghan lang mo buy ba...

  9. #9

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    btaw hehehee

  10. #10

    Default 2 computer shops just died this month

    basin sa cebu doctors lang sila nag close

  11.    Advertisement

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