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  1. #1

    Default Questions about Canon A430, need your advice


    nakapalit ko ani last year February 2007 for P9k (this is my first and only digicam) = even my cellphone has no camera

    Last end of March 2008, i noticed naa nay problema ang mga shots niya. (lapas na siya sa 1yr warranty)
    Murag negative, sometimes blured, sometimes pixelated but wala jud tarong ang mga shots.
    Sa video niya ok man.
    SO i decided to sent it to canon manila main in makati for repair (coz im not satisfied what i got from Canon Mandaue when i visited them)
    They Qouted me P4,700.00 (more or less) for Labor and parts
    DEFECT: shutter niya dile ni mo-closed (if im not mistaken for the exact word/s)

    Akong gi-backout kay mahal kaayo ang qoutation nila, thinking that my camera (this model) cheap na siya if naa pay namaligya brandnew in this model
    One more thing is naa nay new model is 7.1mp ang Canon for P8,950.00 or less

    So i tried to check if naay makaau dire sa sugbu in cheaper price, luckily i found in along mango ave. near fuente
    Profesional ang naghandle coz he tried only once my camera and he knows already what is the problem, same findings what canon told to me.
    According to both of them, naguba siya while the its "opened" (sorry im not expert on this)

    P2,000.00 labor and parts with 2 months warranty ang charge nila, ni-ok ko.

    Just this morning, i got my camera, and voila its back again without problem.

    And Heres my query:

    * How to avoid that incident (shutter problem)?
    * How does it happen/s?

    i noticed that when i shot (today) ang file size is smaller than before
    before siya naguba = dile mo-below sa 1mb ang file size sa 1 photo
    after naayo siya karon = more or less 200kb na lang ang file size sa photo taken
    * does it matter/s for the quality of the photo?
    * is there something to adjust in the MENU for this?

    Hope for some enlightment from the camera Gurus here istorya
    wala nako kapangutana sa nag-ayo, naa man gud ko sa Lilo-an nagpuyo, then sa Mango Ave. ilang repair shop

  2. #2
    wala ko canon A430 nga model but I have tried using canon IXY 600, IXY 1000 and recently IXY 2000IS. Yes you can change its picture size from S, M1, M2, M3 or L ( small, medium large ) pwede sad sa image quality normal, fine,ug superfine. mao ni sila maka affect sa file size sa imo picture. Just go to function set botton unya maka pili naka ana nga mga options.

    By the way, do you have contact number sa repair shop sa mango ave nga imo gimention? Pls post sad sa complete details diri sa imo thread or pls PM nako kay I might need it in the future. thanks!

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