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  1. #1

    Default FT: mobo to hdd & psu [RUSH pls...]

    anybody here willing to trade w/ my brand new ASUS P5S-MX SE motherboard to SEAGATE IDE 80gb above then power supply w/ 500 watt must be slightly used or much better if brand new so that it is fair for us.

    just text/call for faster transaction 09195712702

  2. #2
    Bro sata seagate 160gb used only for storing movies less than a year pa ni perfect condition plus
    sunstar psu 500w. to your BRAND NEW MOTHERBOARD .jist PM me

  3. #3
    i need IDE bro do you have?

  4. #4
    bro naa ko seagate 80 gig ide. naa ko 500W, ako gigamit karon sa ako setup.

    ang psu, ako nah na open, naa man ko daan nga dynamo psu, naa man to hole ang dynamo para in-take fan sa psu, mao to ako giilis sa casing sa 500W nga psu para mabutangan og fan.

    naa sad ko 40gig seagate ide.

    pili lang bai if asa imo gusto i trade:
    80gig + psu
    80gig + 40gig

  5. #5
    good condition p imu mga item pila n k yrs. gamit nimo
    no hidden defect o bad sector b imu hdd?
    20+4 ang pin sa imu psu?
    can u pm me the pic of your item plz..tnxs

  6. #6
    ang 80gig, in good condition... mao mani ako gamit before ko nag sata last march.
    ang 40gig, in good condition... use it for back-up before. la na nagamit ron kay 500gig man ako gibuy nga sata.

    ang psu, kay 20+4 pin ni, curently used ghapon sa ako setup nw.

    ill send u pics soon.

    just pm me for more questions

  7. #7
    wla nka psu gamiton if mgtrade ta.

  8. #8
    magpalit ko og silverston psu if matrade ni akong psu.

  9. #9
    ok asa man location nimo maayo unta ikaw muari sa blay aron ma test daun
    lapu-lapu amu.a

  10. #10
    layoa diay bai, labangon ko.

    asa dapit sa lapu-lapu bai, tagi nya ko sketch...

    basin makalaag ko dha dapit...

  11.    Advertisement

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