"Let it not be said that we did not do our responsibility to care for the Rotary and our country when the power to speak up and do something were in our hands…We await the truth to come from you!"
Dear PDG Bolante,
Over the past 100 years, Rotary International has been been involved in humanitarian work dealing with various socio-civic advocacies such as poverty and hunger, illiteracy, violence, and environmental degradation. As a result of this humanitarian work done throughout the century, the name Rotary has become synonymous with the words "volunteerism", "socio-civic consciousness", "humanitarian work", and "leadership."
The one constant theme that defines Rotary from all other socio-civic organizations is its commitment to service, as contained in the Rotary motto "service above self." This service is defined by the high ethical standards embodied in the 4-way Rotary test: truth, fairness, goodwill, and benefit to all.
It was because of these lofty ideals and values that we young Rotarians chose to become Rotarians. In doing so, we made a solemn commitment to uphold these ideals and values, and to protect all that Rotary stands for.
Our Club was chartered a few weeks after you wrote your Vision for The Philippine Rotary; and your patriotic essay was one of the early reading materials that affirmed us and our hopes as a new club during the first conferences that we attended for planning our activities. You ended that visions statement with a strong if "we as Rotarians shall move toward a coalition of forces to bring back the basic principles and tenets of Rotary into action"…the answer lies in our hands as Rotarians. It therefore pains us that you, a long-time Rotarian, a Past District Governor of Rotary District 3830 in the Philippines and now an esteemed Director of the Rotary International — have been allegedly involved in the controversy surrounding the "anomalous" disbursement of the Department of Agriculture Fertilizer Fund which was allegedly used to peddle influence and buy votes to ensure the election of a Presidency that is now accused of massive cheating.
You were given the opportunity to express the truth in scheduled Senate hearings, but you chose instead to have your time available for ROTARY MATTERS SUCH AS THE ROTARY INSTITUTE more than national interest. ARE WE TO BELIEVE THAT YOUR GESTURES ARE EXPRESSION OF THE FOUR WAY TEST?
We, your fellow Rotarians, expect nothing less from you as one with such a lofty vision statement. The answer to the controversy surrounding the fertilizer fund of the Department of Agriculture lies in your hands. We have watched and waited for you to reveal what needs to be revealed for several months in disappointment. Your refusal to reveal the truth is, to us, irresponsible and cowardly. We believe that such a position has prejudiced not just Rotary but the entire Filipino people. Know, as we know, that your silence adds to our people’s suspicion and paranoia in the present administration. See, as we see, your accountability in this social unrest we have reached and whatever socio-economic/political divisions our country will face in the future. May you find no blood in your hands should violence erupt in our precarious state now.
As fellow Rotarians and as fellow Filipinos who care deeply about our country, we urge you then to step up to the challenge as you challenged every Rotarian in your vision statement. Do the right thing with no further delay and make that vision a shining moment in our lives as it becomes a mission accomplished by a heroic Rotarian. We beseech you to come forward and speak the truth, instead of skulking in the shadows. Do what is right and what is fair and beneficial to all.
We are at a critical juncture of our nation’s history, and what you choose to do or not do will forever be etched in the memory of young Rotarians such as ourselves. WE CHOOSE NOT TO FORGET! Let it not be said that we did not do our responsibility to care for the Rotary and our country when the power to speak up and do something were in our hands. Let it likewise not be said that we have been betrayed by our elders by directly violating the very first principle of Rotary — speaking and living out the TRUTH.
As one of our leading Statesmen, Jovito Salonga, said…"You can only unite a country based on TRUTH and JUSTICE. You cannot expect unity when there is no TRUTH "…
We await the truth to come from you!
Members of the Rotary Club of Mapasan (the first ever club in the Rotary World organized by TRF Scholars Alumni)
Floro Francisco - President 2005-2006
Jun Bernad - Charter President
Sed Candelaria - Past President 2004-2005
Del Domingo - Past President 2003-2004
Oscar Bautista - Vice President and President Elect
Cristy Fuentes - Secretary
Miel Reyes - President Nominee 2007
Gina Resultan - President Nominee 2008
Irene Besido-Garcia
Belay Ambrosio
Nanah Herce
Vibien de Guzman
Mari Blardony
Iya Santiago
Susan Bautista
Dennis Maximo
Mike Magpily