promo for the month of february 2009, free 2 weeks class.
e.nopi math & english Supplement( tutorials) opens new center in mandaue. located at chatswood avenue. a.s. fortuna corner h.cortes st., mandaue city. tel no. 032- 2367800, look for michelle, or contact sheryl at 09228805923.
we put the edge in learning.
e.nopi math believes that the solution for todays math education is a systematic teaching that develops not only the calculation ability but also both problem solving and critical thinking abilities. E.nopi Math cultivates basic computational ,logical and analytical thinking skills thru challenging word problems,spatial reasoning puzzles and other critical thinking activities.
This innovative curriculum is a balanced program that effectively develops the 9 areas of Math (numbers, algebra,functions,patterns, measurement,geometry,statistics,reasoning and data analysis).
e.nopi english enhances student's language and literacy skills thru listening,speaking,reading (comprehension),and writing (composition) exercises.
Enopi Math costs 1,980 per student
Enopi English costs 1,980 per student
Registration fee (one time) 390php per student