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You can hit both lower body and upper body.
You can perform the following exercises with this machine:
1. Wide grip Lat pull-down - to develop the width of the lats (lats in laymans term "wings")
2. Close grip Lat pull-down - to develop the width of the lower portion of the lats
3. Peck deck - to develop the pectorals (the chest)
4. Vertical Bench Press - to develop the pectorals
5. Leg extension - to develop the quadriceps (front portion of the thighs)
6. Leg curl - to develop the hamstring (back portion of the thighs located below the buttocks)
7. Cable crunch - to develop abdomen
8. Cable upright row - to develop the trapezius (muscle between the neck and the shoulder)
9. Seated cable row - to develop the middle part of back
10. Tricep cable pushdown - to develop the tricep (back portion of the upper arm)
11. Cable curl - to develop the bicep (front portion of the upper arm)
12. One Arm Cable side lateral - to develop the shoulder
13. One arm cable curl - to develop the bicep
14. One arm cable pushdown - to develop the tricep
15. Standing cable side leg raise
16. Reverse cable curl - to develop the forearm
17. Cable shrug - to develop the trapezius
18. Cable side bent - to develop the oblique (part of the abdomen located at the side)
19. Front cable laterals - to develop the shoulder
20. Bent over cable laterals - to develop the shoulder