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  1. #1

    Default whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    UHMM hi evry 1! knsa hilig dri ug mga oddball na fish? like bichirs ako kay ive kept this fishes since mga last 3 yrs ago hahhhahahaha grabe best fish ever if tapolan ka kalse nga guy hahahhaha i mean hardy ayo ni nga mga fish if mu try ka ani nga fish nya ma dedz less dan 1 yr hahahahaha seriously shift to a new hobby hehehehe excpt if ni jump out out sa aquarium .. pag buy nako ani nila nt more dan mga 3inches pa now mga 1ft plus na cla tanan. curently mga 5 gray bichirs, 1 palmas, and 4 banded bichir aako ge keep .. wil post pics soon

  2. #2

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    nice post picx soon, use have these fishes abot na unta around 6" nya ako man tipon tana nako fish including RES, pacu, knife fiesh ab out 9 t0 11 inches namatay noon ky nagaway

  3. #3

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]
    my bichir tank

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="dragon awua"></a>
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

    d fish nga i take pride in platinum bichir
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

    anothr pic sa PT na bichir
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

    my overfed and very greedy banded
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="1 of MY very big drAGONS"></a>
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    wow! nice tank. dagkoa na ana oi.hehehe

    diri nimu gibutang ang shrimps bro?

  5. #5

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    wow really nice

  6. #6

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    naa lagi nay kitong sa luyo bro lamia sugbaon ana oi,,,

  7. #7

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    @markykoi hahahaha no woe srimps are in my oder tank hehehe kad2 na planted..

    @all any1 na a info about pag breed ani nila?

  8. #8

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    pag makuha nko balik akong mga tanks sa akog friends mag bichir ko.

  9. #9

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    naa pa additional info:

    Breeding seasons in the wild
    Of species I could find listed on

    Polypterus senegalus senegalus
    June and July -CHAD,-- basin
    August, thru Oct. -Gambia,-- gambia river
    Aug. thru Nov. -Senegal,-- lower senegal river
    June thru Nov. -CHAD ,--no location given
    May and June, --upper white nile river
    there seems to be no mating from Dec. thru April in the wild or at least not reported or

    Bichir bichir March thru November in-CHAD

    P.lapradeiJuly thru Sept in- GAMBIA
    P.lapradei July thru Oct -- senegal river

    P.delhezi - no reports

    P.endlicheri--May thru Aug --cotre d'lvoire- Bandama river
    P.endlicheri--Sept-Oct -Chad-Chad basin
    P.endlicheri--July-Aug-Sudan --White nile river, Khartoum
    I have seen this courtship behavior in P. polli and P. delhezi and P. senegalus I find this the most interesting part of the the mating ritual as it is shared by most members of the Polypteridae family. Courtship begins by the male breaching the surface from once to several times.followed by him arching his body putting up his dorsal finlets in full display and slowly descending through the water to the female. Coming up from behind her he gently nudges her sideways with a series of headbutts and gentle nips while the female remains motionless as the male gently caress'sthe females ovipositor area with his anal fin till eggs are released .He uses his anal fins which are now shaped like a cup to capture the eggs, fertilizes them and releases them then the process begin again.This may go on for several days.
    THE FISH - Sexually mature male and female.While bichirs can be sexed at 7-8 inches.It may take a year to six years to reach full sexual maturity depending on the species this is shown on the males by a greatly swollen anal fin and on some species a dark border on the anal fins margin.On the females which are generaly larger than the males you hould notice a swelling of the abdomen.this is caused by the eggs of which there can be be over 300.Those species found sexually mature at 1-2 years include P.senegalus, P. polli others such as P.ornatipinnis and P.endlicheri at 4-6 years of age.
    THE TANKS-One should have a soft sandy substrate and several low bushy plants such as
    Java fern (Microsorium pteropus)This is the breeding tank.This is where the eggs will be laid (hopefully) and a good secure cover (see courtship above). The second tank for hatching and raising the fry. This tank should have no substrate and use sponge flters.
    THERE IS NO GUARANTEE this will work on a consistent basis.large breeders on fish farms often use hormones to induce breeding.
    THE PROCESS- I've seen courtship behavior after a regular water change. However lets try and simulate more natural enviroment .I could just have frisky fish, during the dry season the water temps are in the high 60's to low 70's with a PH value avg. 6.0. But come the rainy season temperatures increase to as much as 84 to 86 degrees with the PH increasing to to closer to 7.0 and the water softness increases,So in order to try to duplicate this we add softer water (distilled) and raise the tempurature to mid 80's that should start the mating process providing all parties are ready and willing there was a mention of adding several drops of saltwater adding trace elements which encourages breeding .
    THE HATCHING TANK-When the mating is concluded remove the plants with the eggs or any eggs you may find scattered about as quickly as possible and place them in the hatching tankThis tank should be kept at 82 degrees with a PH value between 6.5 and 7.0.If things have gone well you should see hatching within 60 hours . The young resemble tadpoles and will adhere to
    plants and rocks , and live off yolk sacs for approx 6-7 days after which they will need feeding.
    Foods include
    baby brine shrimp
    finely chopped bloodworms
    mysis shrimp .
    It is sadly at this time death rates increase do to fighting and canibalism if possible the fry should be seperated in individual containers for several weeks or raised in a tank with lots of
    Java fern (Microsorium pteropus)to hide from eachother . Once they reach approx.4 cm the odds of survival increase -Anne

    Sources include
    jurassic fish--Kodera et al
    aqualog Polypterus--Frank Schafer

    got that from the net.

    and naa pud vid sa youtube.

    hope this helps

  10. #10

    Default Re: whos into BichiR fish? aka dragon fins

    @kenyy weeeeeeeeee lamats ayo waaaaaaaaa grabeeeeeee u made my day hahahha nyt actualy hahahahha thnx much!!!!

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