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  1. #1

    Default Mother of all vitamins...

    Super-C -- An Amazing Nutrient
    What this country has needed for a long time is an amazing nutrient that is easy to swallow and can slow aging, minimize heart disease, aid recovery from dozens of infections and degenerative ailments, and inoculate us against countless health problems that stem from emotional stress and environmental pollutants. Happily, such an amazing nutrient does exist, and we have it in the form of SUPER-C ! !

    Most people sell vitamin C in the ascorbic acid form(only 15 to 25% is absorbed bythe body), not the sodium ascorbate form(95% is absorbed by the body). Super-C is formulated using sodium ascorbate, the form that has been used in the research by Dr. Linus Pauling and the form of vitamin C he recommends. This is one of the things that enhances our Super-C above the competitions.

    Among its many biochemical reactions, Super-C has been shown to promote the healing of wounds, ranging from small nicks to large cuts.

    By ridding the body of accumulations of heavy metals (such as lead, cadmium, and nickel) and pollutants found in air, food, and water, Super-C acts as a useful environmental protector.

    -Super-C is nature’s drug fighter. It can help people withdraw from various drugs ranging from prescribed mood changers to addictive substances such as heroin. Super-C can also help reverse bad side effects from drugs that are necessary to some individual’s existence.

    -Super-C reduces insulin requirements. In less severe cases, Super-C may even enable diabetics to control their ailment by diet alone.

    -The antihistamine action of Super-C can enable people to tolerate foods they otherwise could not eat.

    -Most because of its direct effect on collagen, Super-C has shown a remarkable capacity to help knit bone and to wage battle against such supposedly hopeless bone disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis and osteogenesis imperfecta.

    -Super-C helps to ease mental stress. Anxiety drastically reduces the body’s vitamin C level. When good levels are restored, psychological stability returns and one is protected against stress-related disorders.

    -Super-C can enhance your sexual performance by abetting the healthy functioning of the endocrine glands.

    -Super-C neutralizes some carcinogens. Cured meats and many other food products are preserved with some potentially dangerous additives. Super-C blocks the reaction between nitrates and proteins, so the cancer implicated nitrosamines are not formed.

    -By inhibiting tartar formation, Super-C prevents periodontal damage, that is, gum, socket, and jawbone problems that are far more serious than cavities.

    -Sufferers from so-called iron-poor blood, can enjoy renewed energy when they fortify with Super-C along with their iron supplement.
    Super-C has can help

    -safeguard the heart and the entire vascular system, including the arteries, veins, and smaller capillaries.
    protect against Glaucoma, a principle cause of blindness.
    protect the body against flu, bronchitis, respiratory problems, and other viral infections.
    cut cravings for sweets and help to control a wayward appetite.
    control many kinds of pain, including low-back pain, it is a natural anesthetic.
    aid in recovery from serious kidney diseases.
    the discomfort of arthritis.
    improve the quality of life of multiple sclerosis victims.
    combat many other disorders.

    When taken after meals Super-C helps to end constipation and shrink hemorrhoids.
    What other vitamin have you heard of that can help do all of the above?

    for more info go to the link below:

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...


  3. #3

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    Immunity Boosting

    The body's own immune system, if sufficiently strengthened and boosted by natural means, can resist or surmount an attack by any natural biological organism. Other deadly organisms exist today which are not natural in origin, but rather have been bioengineered in genetic engineering laboratories located mostly in the United States. These pathogens were intentionally designed to circumvent and cripple the body's immune system and ensure the lethality of the disease. Two well known bioengineered diseases are AIDS and Ebola. There are some new 'mystery' diseases which have recently made their appearance and yet other virulent bioengineered diseases which are waiting in the wings for the 'right time' (see Population Control under New World Order ). Bioengineered organisms require special consideration and technologies to defeat them, but they are defeatable.

    The main focus of our organization is the promotion of non-pharmaceutical medicine. We all possess the innate ability to protect ourselves from disease. This wondrous disease prevention system is the immune system, which has been , much like the value of proper nutrition, largely forgotten and ignored. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to boost the immune system.

    The overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, and the lack of information concerning immunity boosting has left the average American's immune system efficiency level at 40% or 50%, at best. Some countries, like Japan, have a traditional diet that creates a stronger immune system and consequently Japanese people (who embrace the traditional diet) usually live a longer lifespan. It's no coincidence that Japanese women are among the longest living people on the planet.

    Sodium Ascorbate (SUPER C)

    Sodium Ascorbate powder is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has intrinsic antiviral and antibacterial activity though its main effect is improvement in host resistance. Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C Powder) may be beneficial in: General immunity boosting, helping to ward off or prevent colds & flus, assisting the healing of wounds, aiding the body in fighting infection, etc.

    Unlike most animals that produce their own Vitamin C, the human body does not synthesize any. Whether for general immunity boosting or for the treatment of a specific condition, one requires more Vitamin C than our contemporary diet supplies. The amount of vitamin C you take daily determines its effectiveness. 60 mg per day is the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance for adults). This is easily obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. 500 mg to 5 gm (grams) per day has proven to be beneficial in the prevention of colds, and general immunity boosting. However, Vitamin C dosage of over 1 gm can realistically only be obtained through supplements.

    for more info go to the link below:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    tag pila mani? hehe

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    The Importance of
    Your Body's pH Balance

    Each of us is at war and we don't even know it! The private war we each wage is a daily assault on our body by bacteria, virus, fungus, yeasts, and molds. We have entered what might be referred to as critical mass when it comes to this bacterial warfare onslaught being waged against us by stronger and stronger killer bugs and bad bacteria. Our immune systems are becoming weaker and over-taxed in this war. Even the medical profession's first line of defense (the antibiotic) is becoming less and less effective against resistant new strains being created daily as the bacteria mutate. Since Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory of disease that states germs are the cause of disease, time has proven him correct. But note Dr. Pasteur's dying words: "The germ is nothing, the inner terrain is everything."

    The inner terrain referred to in Dr. Pasteur's statement is now being called our biological terrain and comprises our body's digestive tract, lymph system, blood, urinary tract, interstitial and interstitial fluids. Our bodies are alkaline by design and acid by function. Maintaining proper alkalinity is essential for life, health, and vitality. Simply put - an imbalance of alkalinity creates a condition favorable to the growth of bacteria, yeast and other unwanted organisms. All leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized pH (or the acid-alkaline balance) as the most important aspect of a balanced and healthy body. They have long known that the maintenance of an alkaline pH in our tissues and cells is critical to cellular health. In contrast, our digestive tract (except for our normally alkaline mouth) has varying degrees of acid by design, and our urinary tract should be slightly acidic for healthy function.

    We live and die at the cellular level. All the cells (billions of them) that make up the human body are slightly alkaline, and must maintain alkalinity in order to function and remain healthy and alive. However their cellular activity creates acid and this acid is what gives the cell energy and function. As each alkaline cell performs its task of respiration, it secretes metabolic wastes, and these end products of cellular metabolism are acid in nature. Although these wastes are used for energy and function, they must not be allowed to build up. One example of this is the often painful lactic acid which is created through exercise. The body will go to great lengths to neutralize and detoxify these acids before they act as poisons in and around the cell, ultimately changing the environment of the cell. Most people and clinical practitioners believe the immune system is the body's first line of defense, but in actuality it is not. It is very important, but more like a very sophisticated clean-up service. We must instead look at the importance of pH balance as the first and major line of defense against sickness and disease and for health and vitality.

    If we were to ask "What is killing us?", the answer might be "ACIDOSIS"! It has been demonstrated that an acidic, anaerobic (lacking oxygen) body environment encourages the breeding of fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses. Let's look at an example. If we were to seal the door to our freezer and then unplug it, come back and open the door in two weeks, what would we find? Mold, bacteria, microscopic bugs. Things will be growing and multiplying. Where did they all come from? They did not sneak in - remember the door was sealed. The answer is . . . "they were always there". It is simply that the environment changed to a more inviting and healthy one for the "critters" to live in. This can be likened to a shift in our biological terrain from a healthy oxygenated, alkaline environment to an unhealthy anaeorbic acidic environment. You see what is healthy for us is unhealthy for the body attackers and what is healthy for them is what is unhealthy for our body.

    A state of acidosis is simply the lack of oxygen and available calcium which the body uses to maintain its alkaline balance. Calcium makes up 1.6% of our body weight. It is literally the human glue that holds the body together. Calcium is so biochemically active that it has been likened to an octopus. A calcium ion can hold onto seven other molecules while it grabs onto one molecule of water. No other ion can do this. And it is the right size to easily get in and out of the human cell. As it does this, it takes a chain of nutrients into the cell and then leaves to get more nutrients.

    The biggest problem scientists have found is that over time the human body becomes depleted of calcium. A compound called mono-ortho-calcium phosphate is the chemical buffer for the blood. This buffer maintains the alkaline level (or the lack of acidity) in your blood. Without it you would die. If the acidity level of your blood changes even slightly you die immediately. But in order to supply enough calcium for buffering we must have enough calcium being absorbed from our diet or our body will simply rob the needed calcium from our bones and teeth. The more acidic we become, the harder it is for oxygen to be present, so our biological terrain also becomes more anaerobic. Without adequate oxygenation, unfriendly bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungus can live and prosper. Then our cells cannot carry on their life-giving functions in a very efficient manner because our biological chemical reactions need oxygen.

    Life and death are in the biological terrain and the battle cry here is to reclaim your biological terrain. This is so important that some practitioners working with the inner biological terrain and its implications to the health of our bodies are beginning to say "There are no specific diseases, only specific disease conditions, and there is only one disease. And that one disease is acidosis."

    The human body is very intelligent. As we become more and more acidic the body starts to set up defense mechanisms to keep the damaging acid from entering our vital organs. It is known that acid gets stored in fat cells. After all, if the acid does come into contact with an organ the acid has a chance to eat holes in the tissue. This may cause the cells to mutate. The oxygen level drops in this acidic environment and calcium begins to be depleted. So as a defense mechanism, your body may actually make fat to protect you from your overly-acidic self. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits may actually be packing up the acid and trying to keep it a safe distance from your organs. The fat may be saving your vital organs from damage. Many people have found that a return to a healthy inner biological terrain helps them to lose excess fat.

    Osteoporosis is very confusing for many people. Most people think they can eliminate it by increasing their consumption of milk and dairy products. But in the countries where the consumption of dairy products is very low the instances of osteoporosis is very rare. Osteoporosis is an acidosis problem. As the body becomes more acidic, to protect against the event of heart attack, stroke, illness, or even cancer, the body attempts to remain healthy. So, it steals calcium from the bones, teeth, and tissue. As bone mass becomes depleted, this is what we call osteoporosis. As we saturate the body with calcium this brings the alkaline pH up and drops the acid levels down.

    One of the first warning signs of an acidic biological terrain is calcium deposits. A little known fact is that there has never been a scientifically proven association between calcium deposits in the body and nutritional calcium. In fact quite the opposite is found in the results of testing calcium deposits of the body. Calcium deposits come not from dietary calcium but from the structural calcium of our bones and teeth!

    So if calcium deposits are forming, we know our inner biological terrain is too acidic. Our dietary intake of calcium is not keeping up with the calcium buffering needed and we are actively pulling calcium from our bones and teeth. It all works like a little train, from the bones to the fluids and cells, to the blood. As our biological terrain becomes acidic, our pH level drops. When this happens we start losing calcium out of the blood, the bones, and the tissues. This is a safety mechanism. Now your biological terrain's oxygen level drops leaving you tired and fatigued, allowing fungus, mold, parasites, bad bacteria, and viral infections to flourish and gain a hold throughout the body. It is interesting to note that you often won't have just some of these invaders. If you have Candida you will likely have bad bacteria, fungus, and parasites because they all flourish in the same terrain.

    And super C can maintain the Ph in your body.
    Need proof:
    by putting a super c tablet in a glass of coke(has a pH of 2) after a minute or 2 all the acid in coke
    will all disappear.. by the drinking it you will notice that there is no "spirit" anymore.

    for more info see the link below:

  7. #7
    C.I.A. Platinum Member chadix24_7's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    this is not a buy/sell section.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    haler?? do you see any prices in this topic or did I mention anything about selling??
    i simply diverted wang_AN_YU to another topic..

  9. #9
    C.I.A. Platinum Member chadix24_7's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    Quote Originally Posted by ramiscar
    In this topic
    nabaligya ba ko?? yes naay nangutana nga kung tagpila?? pero ako cyang gidivert sa laing nga topic??

    typical of a bad trait of Filipino SUYAAN!!
    mau nang dili muasenso!!!
    it's just another way of selling.

    wala lagi ka nagbutang ug price pero klaro kaayo imong link. naa nakay gi post sa buy/sell section nya mag post pa jud ka balik ngari.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Mother of all vitamins...

    chadix is right this is not a buy and sell thread... ang imong link mo ad2 gud sa buy and sell so the same ra gahaopn nag sell ka..

  11.    Advertisement

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