Originally Posted by
Not true. I am not so young as that and I have several businesses to oversee as well various financial obligations, employee welfare etc. My advice to anyone regardless of their age or background is "hang on to your principles" because there are those waiting (if given the chance) who will happily take away your liberty. Complacency is the enemy within.
I think the exact opposite is true from what he said, as people get older they stop being bleeding hearts and start to see things conservatively, e.g. in absolute terms. Yes, there is room for maneuvering but it should still be within the limits of the law.
No society that permits "flexibility of the law" can ever succeed. This is why the Philippines is the way it is, people bend the rules whenever they think it suits their thinking so long as they think its justifiable when what they should be doing is working to get the law changed first rather than violating it.
Even Gandhi who was an advocate of civil disobedience stuck to peaceful means of disobedience. These squatters were brandishing weapons and throwing rocks at the enforcing officers, that is lawless violence and no decent society would ever tolerate it. Do you think that in America, people who live in trailer parks can just go berserk and start attacking police officers and get away with it? No way, they would be beaten to the ground and made to respect the law as it should be in a country that has laws.