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  1. #71

    Default Re: AFP's problem

    ^^WAY TO GO PGMA..mao nay klarong leader :mrgreen:

  2. #72

    Default Re: AFP's problem

    ^^ although she should have done this sooner....ok lang least naa na move from administration to hear what the soldiers have to say....

  3. #73

    Default AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    Too many ranking military officials said to have tended to withdraw their support from President Arroyo and her government have reportedly been on a witchhunt, pinning some junior officers and linking them to an alleged coup d’etat, to clear themselves and continue to look good before the President.

    The source recounted that it was when Mrs. Arroyo started to doubt Esperon’s, as well as Senga’s loyalty that a witchhunt was undertaken, with too many accusations being leveled by the top brass against several junior officers who he said were not even part of the alleged coup.

    “They (top brass) are doing that because they want to save their skins, but even the innocent ones are being made to suffer,” he said.

    A sworn affidavit from a junior officer appears to attest to this alleged witchhunt.

    That was made up by the people in Malacañang, because they were scared of a ‘people power’ uprising last February and they were already doubting the loyalty of even her trusted generals, to her (Mrs. Arroyo) through the chain of command,” the source stressed, adding “there is truth” to the talks making the rounds that PA chief Esperon was “ready to jump” to the people’s side last February.

  4. #74

    Default Re: AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    Oplan Hackle was a mere creation of Malacanang to frightened the people in supporting People Power.

  5. #75

    Default Re: AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    OT : As expected from you MOSIMOS aka DAWNRUNNER , TEMPEST 1,2,3 lolz ... flooding with topics . WHy cant you just post an issue to an existing thread with similar interest . Look for words that associates with AFP , PGMA , HELLO GARCI , FARCI , ADMIN that has similar discussion ... taga balita sa suking media naay new topic .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #76
    Amahan ni Erlinda potterboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    mere assumptions.

    you cant even present solid evidence, mosimos. Sitewide Forum Rules
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  7. #77

    Default Re: AFP's problem

    Mayuga report on poll fraud out

    BAGUIO CITY—President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo yesterday ordered the Armed Forces to release the report of Navy Vice Adm. Mateo Mayuga on the involvement of certain generals in the alleged election fraud in 2004.

    Mayuga himself recommended that his report be made public to dispel rumors that Malacañang is trying to whitewash the results of the investigation and avoid a repeat of the “Hello Garci” controversy.

    “The President has approved the release of the Mayuga report. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, it is supposed to be released today,” Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said in an interview at The Mansion here where Mrs. Arroyo and most of her Cabinet members are staying for a two-day retreat.

    Mayuga, then AFP inspector general, headed the fact-finding body that looked into the possible involvement of senior military officers in the alleged vote padding during the 2004 national elections.

    Critics of the President claimed she and her allies orchestrated the poll fraud to make her win over the late presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr., prompting lawmakers in Congress to file an impeachment case against her which was subsequently dismissed last year.

    Ermita said the President actually “welcomed” the report, which he described as “very, very fair and very, very thick with a lot of annexes and transcripts of interviews.”

    “The Mayuga report, apart from investigating the allegations of election cheating, also gave several recommendations on how to prevent or insulate our military officers from being utilized by some Comelec officials or by some parties for some irregular activities,” Ermita said.

    Despite the delay of the release of the report which was finished by Mayuga in October last year and submitted to the AFP in January, the Palace official assured the public that the contents were not tampered with by Malacañang to protect anybody.

    “The report will be released as is. It has not been watered down, contrary to fears expressed by many,” Ermita said.

    President Arroyo’s order to reveal the contents of the report came at the heels of calls from some senators that she should shed light on the investigation that linked military generals to the Garci scandal.

    Mayuga began his investigation in July 2005, almost two months after the wiretapping of telephone conversations involving a Comelec official, believed to be ex-Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano Jr.

    Other members of the AFP fact-finding board were Commodore Emilio Marayag, Brig. Gen. Romeo Alamillo, Col. Caridad Aguilar and Maj. Gen. (ret.) Raul Relano.

    In the Garci tapes, the names of at least four senior officers were mentioned, namely Army Chief Hermogenes Esperon Jr., Southern Command Chief Gabriel Habacon, retired Southcom Chief Roy Kyamko, and Brig. Gen. (ret.) Francisco Gudani.

    Ermita, however, said the public should “not expect heads to roll” with the release of the Mayuga report even as he stressed that there might be repercussions for those proven guilty of aiding political parties in rigging the 2004 polls.

    Esperon was AFP deputy chief for operations and concurrent deputy of Task Force HOPE (honest, orderly and peaceful elections); Habacon was the 1st Infantry Division chief while Gudani was the commander of the 1st Marine Brigade.

    Opposition lawmakers welcomed the order of President Arroyo to release the controversial Mayuga report.

    While they consider the President’s order as a positive development, they however expressed doubts on the veracity of the report, claiming it could have already been “sanitized.”

    House Minority Leader Francis Escudero said the Mayuga report should have been submitted to the House committee on public information, which conducted the inquiry, a long time ago

    He said the report will also be used as basis for concluding all those who should be held liable for cheating in the last presidential election. “We want to determine the military and even the police officials who were in cahoots with those who cheated in the last polls.”

    Nonetheless, Escudero said he wanted to immediately see the report to satisfy his curiosity. With Macon Araneta
    By Joyce Pangco Pañares

  8. #78

    Default Re: AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    Okay rana bro kaysa mag drugs si Mosimos... hehehe....

    Bitaw it's better ipagawas ni mosimos iya kalagot ni Gloria kaysa i utong.....

  9. #79

    Default Re: AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    @ potterboy:

    The evidences will be presented at a proper time. The witnesses are advised to keep silent to protect them from being pirated by Malacanang people. All these things will come out as surprises for GMA in the impeachment complaint.

  10. #80

    Default Re: AFP is pressured by Malacanang to "produce" coup plotters.

    They have silent witnesses ?? LOLZ !! How did you know Tenyente Mosimos ??
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

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