While lingam continues to be heavily targeted by the moralists and the SWAC...
Drive around certain sections of the city beginning at 9 p.m. and you’ll see what I mean. Try walking from Gen. Maxilom Ave. near the old Rustan’s building to the corner of Juana Osmeña and Aboitiz Sts. about that time and I’ll tell you how big a liar you are if you say you haven’t met a girl or her pimp offering you a “good time.”
Cruise along Jakosalem St. starting at the corner of Sanciangko St. then turn left to P. del Rosario St. up to the corner of Osmeña Blvd. and consider yourself lucky if you’re not chased by pimps vending cheap thrills.
All these soliciting activities are done every night. Unless they’re blind, the moralists see these. The police certainly know these. So why isn’t anyone decrying these open acts of prostitution? Why hasn’t anyone at City Hall proclaimed that he/she has not issued a license for these nocturnal activities? What is sauce for the gander isn’t sauce for the goose?
Malilong: Lingam and prostitution | Sun.Star Network Online