Heyperwage theory says:
But for now, let’s continue our survey of more ways by Hyperwage Theory elegantly handles non-economic problems.
The root of rebellion is injustice; the root of injustice is poverty. You solve poverty, you solve rebellion. No need for negotiation panels, no need for a strong army, no need for more armored trucks.
Consider the current strategy of our government, how many billions spent over the last 30 years on a destructive war against our own people who only original sin was poverty?
Think. If all those billions were released to the poorest of the poor in terms of minimum wage, and then subjected to the multiplier and accelerator effects, our economy will be in an upward spiral.
This is the reason, I view our current strategy with the rebels as useless. The rebels are not even asking for P20,000 per month, but Hyperwage is giving it to them.
Isn’t Hyperwage great?
Employee forever?
A bank manager does not want to be an employee forever. He is a prime candidate as an entrepreneur but he doesn’t have capital because his salary is just slightly above that of the domestic helper in Singapore, and all our equipments are purchased from Singapore and Taiwan and Hong Kong or Europe, all hyperwage countries, how can he start this own business?
With Hyperwage, many middle managers will be able to save enough capital to pursue his own business dreams.
Currently, you have to wait till you are 65 years old to retire and use your pension funds to start your own business. The prime of your productivity has long since elapsed.
Export quality
One furniture exporter told me his business will close down under Hyperwage. Of course, not. Right now, his export quality products are affordable only by the First World countries.
Given Hyperwage, the domestic market will be as powerful as the export market. Does Intel or Microsoft export abroad to survive? No, they became successful in their own domestic markets.
Why can’t it be the same for the furniture industry?
Shift your minds. Don’t look at the expense side, look at the revenue side. You can increase both your volumes and your prices under a Hyperwage regime.
And another non-economic benefit, our homes will have high quality furniture, unlike the current cheap ones we have.
Hyperwage will build and expand not destroy the cottage industries and any other industry for that matter.
All these benefits and above in just one single stroke. Give the worker their true value of labor based on world standards. Isn’t Hyperwage elegant?
Medical care
It costs about P5,000 for a normal delivery in hyperwage Hong Kong but about P50,000 here in this country? Why? I don’t know.
The Hong Kong government has so much money from the taxes of the people who are paid at hyperwage salaries, and no corruption, such that they can subsidize medical care for the general public.
And did I tell you their public hospitals look like four-star hotels?
And for those who want private hospitals they can enroll for medical insurance, which they can afford because they have hyperwage salaries. Can you imagine our own country’s insurance industry boom under hyperwage?
Our medicines are inordinately expensive compared to our incomes because they are invented and copyrighted and priced based on the pharma firm’s hyperwage costs. We are paying for these hyperwage-priced medical products (NMR machines, X-rays) using our Third World wages, isn’t this bad economic strategy?
Public services
I have written some time ago the time when one Christmas I entered the newly opened Hong Kong central library. I actually wept. I did not cry. I wept. It’s like a five-star hotel, with wall to wall carpeting, elevators, escalators, and interior decoration. Internet plug points are free if you bring your laptop or you can use their computers. The books are hardbound glossy book paper. Only the novels are paperbacks.
Our people deserve such high quality of service as much as these Hongkongers do.
With an economically empowered public, we will demand world-class service after all we will be paying world-class taxes too. In Hong Kong, income tax is maxed at only 15% even if you earn $1 billion.
Political enrichment
Actually, if you still don’t realize it, we are partially in Hyperwage status but only for the politicians with their travel expenses and huge allowances and kickbacks from the projects.
This is grossly unfair, and the only way I see to correct this situation is to slice some of those extremely egregious allowances and give it back to the people in terms of high wages.
Vote buying
Speaking of politics, why do well our votes for a kilo of rice, or even for P500? Are we that poor such that we are willing to sell our political souls to the highest bidder?
How are we addressing this issue?
I think only Hyperwage will solve this problem realistically. Yes, realistically. An economically empowered people are usually morally upright people.
I have to go now. More non-economic solutions next time. chool.