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In addition, I can't find any reason why to this day Fraternities/Sororities have to dignify such form of violence.
I must admit that I am ashamed of being a frat member myself. Having two fraternities and after having been through 2 initiation rites, I still have to find the perfect justification why such form of violence and indignation be part of the whole process of acceptance for a neophyte. Some say that 1) hazing is an effective way to teach respect and develop discipline. Respect must be EARNED--not taught 2) it's because it's a TRADITION. Why can't we just get rid of it and move on?
Just because it is part of the tradition does not mean it is always right. Slavery was once regarded as part of a long tradition of many societies -- to bound the life of their servants and their children to their master's service. But time has changed all that -- people realize that societies get into trouble for the age-old traditions that they can't let go...Ku Klux Klan in the United States, Apartheid in S.Africa are just a few examples why resistance to change is genocidal.
Fraternities/sororities need to rethink new ways to bring membership acceptance to a new level sans the unnecessary violence and humiliation (physical or otherwise) -- hazing is unethical and only repeats the tradition of violence that will guranty another Cris Mendoza in the future.
All we need is to take the challenge of finding more positive, informative, and creative, not demeaning/degrading ways to accept members. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been taken coldly -- and that probably explains why many of our fratmen are either cold-hearted or cold-blooded.