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  1. #631

    i would side with MADMOM on this one.....

  2. #632
    Quote Originally Posted by madmom View Post
    i have great faith in the individual human for kindness and compassion.

    i am wary about a religion that will turn such a man into a beast to visit violence on innocents solely because of their belief, especially in this day and age. as if lessons of the past were not learned.

    i am wary of a religion and its prophet that is steeped in blood and savagery. i am wary about the very feeble cry of protest from among its supposedly educated ranks. who easily apologize for the atrocities done in the name of their faith. ala good cop, bad cop routine. i will remain wary.

    until an outcry from the millions (it's not billions) of their supposedly peaceful ranks drown out the vociferous vicious ignorants of their faith, until then i will remain wary and watchful and noisy.
    how can you hear, youre not even willing to look. your nose are in the wrong places. I am part of the Muslim community and I know what's going on around, so that makes me more credible than you.

    You can rant all you want but my only advice to you is keep it real and accurate I don't want you to look stupid.

    The problem is not in the Religion its in the man. i hope your intelligent enough to understand that, don't be blinded by your own extremist view. Any scripture taken out of context can be dangerous in the hands of fanatics.

  3. #633
    Quote Originally Posted by madmom View Post
    ideen, islam has a term that starts with the letter d (which escapes me for the moment) which means lowly servitude of the infidels to work for the master muslim believer. this is why your workers who are not of your faith are still breathing, because you need them to do the work that you wouldn't do. necessity is the mother of invention. although this works both ways.

    the discrimination against "infidels" that is palpable in muslim countries speaks volumes of your faith's peacefulness and tolerance
    you're missing the point, You said ISLAM is at WAR with the infidels. Look at KSA,UAE,EGYPT...Millions of non-believers are working there. why are they still alive? Remember there are billions of Muslim around the world, if we are at war do you think that this world would still be in a peaceful state? you are not making any sense madmom.

    Quote Originally Posted by madmom View Post
    oh BTW ideen, the atrocities committed by priests are in no way sanctioned by my faith. unlike the many suicide bombers who are blessed by islamist clerics before they visit violence on "non believers".
    they are being tolerated by your faith. oh yes they are bless by RADICAL IMAMS, no problem with that I agree with you.

  4. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by marius
    you missed your own point. you were saying that islams teaches violence towards the infidels and that infidels have no right to live in this world. But the fact that me, an infidel, is still alive after almost a year in saudi is proof that NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE VIOLENT. And that the quran is not teaching violence at all.

    if you say that they need me as a servant, you're wrong on that stance, they need me because of my profession, I am well respected here but on a professional level, when it comes to religion, of course they will discrimate. But, that's all there is to it, DISCRIMINATE. No one has ever punched me nor spit on me nor even pinched me or throw objects at me coz im a christian.

    all im saying madmon is, you are just blinded by propaganda and most of the people are blinded with false information. remember, im not a muslim, im a baptized RC but an atheist.

    Hate the Radical Muslims, but not everyone.

    Being the atheist that I am, my whole stand on religion is:

    This is so true. Our friend here has kissed his brain goodbye.

  5. #635
    @ MADMOM ...

    You are basically emphasizing from your point of views that those people who are pro RH BILL will hate you because of the arrogance of the CBCP people .

    You are saying that the you dont like ISLAM and MUSLIM because you hated the TERRORIST ACTS of the MUSLIM RADICALS .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #636
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2009
    what i'm saying mr mod is that i cannot completely be at ease with muslims because of what their islamists have done. what the so called educated muslims have not done (which is to shout down their extremist bretheren when they see the injustice that they are doing) and i'm watchful about their activities given their penchant to illegal dealings like selling shabu in our area and selling counterfeit dvd movies. when their muslim community tends to circle the wagon against law enforcers working to curb illegal activity in our area, all the other cosmetics that ideen and marius and saga paints, rings quite hollow to me.

  7. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by madmom View Post
    what i'm saying mr mod is that i cannot completely be at ease with muslims because of what their islamists have done. what the so called educated muslims have not done (which is to shout down their extremist bretheren when they see the injustice that they are doing) and i'm watchful about their activities given their penchant to illegal dealings like selling shabu in our area and selling counterfeit dvd movies. when their muslim community tends to circle the wagon against law enforcers working to curb illegal activity in our area, all the other cosmetics that ideen and marius and saga paints, rings quite hollow to me.
    who does not? we all are uneasy. Muslims are also victims of bombings done by the RADICAL MUSLIMS.

    Are you sure we are not doing anything? you should ask the INTELLIGENCE NETWORK.

    i am not really forcing you to believe every word I say . As if Christians are not into illegal activities.

  8. #638
    I wonder want religion the drug lords in Mexico and South America have

  9. #639
    Quote Originally Posted by madmom View Post
    what i'm saying mr mod is that i cannot completely be at ease with muslims because of what their islamists have done. what the so called educated muslims have not done (which is to shout down their extremist bretheren when they see the injustice that they are doing) and i'm watchful about their activities given their penchant to illegal dealings like selling shabu in our area and selling counterfeit dvd movies. when their muslim community tends to circle the wagon against law enforcers working to curb illegal activity in our area, all the other cosmetics that ideen and marius and saga paints, rings quite hollow to me.
    I understand your sentiments but from the foundation of your beliefs , you sounded more as the TERRORIST . For reals , you did not give them a chance . Of course given na ang radicals angay i hate because I hated them too . I lost a couple of buddies in USS COLE in 2001 .

    Do you know also that OBL was disowned by his family ? That is IMMEDIATE FAMILY ha , he was even a disgrace to the SAUD's of KSA . What does that tell you ?

    Anyways , ngano na abot man ka sa illegal activities on a petty level ?
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  10. #640
    Join Date
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    I wish to ask, why is it that there is what they call radical muslims,
    and to where did they get their ideals?

  11.    Advertisement

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