you would never know what Christians will feel about that art coz ur not a christian ur an atheist
you would never know what Christians will feel about that art coz ur not a christian ur an atheist
This statement is made under the assumption that the atheist in question was born an atheist, which is rather unlikely. I myself was raised Catholic, and only started questioning Christian beliefs when I was about 15 or 16 years old.
I know how Catholics feel about the artwork, and I know why they feel that way. Don't make assumptions about other people just because their beliefs are different from yours.
“I wanted to provoke people into thinking. I titled my work ‘Poleteismo’ which loosely translates into ‘many beliefs’ or ‘many deities.’ Throughout history, humanity has grown to create new gods and these are not always religious figures but concepts and objects. Some have taken to worshipping money; some see politicians as godsend. People create idols and these idols whether or not they’re deserving of idolatry or worship affect our lives and how we function and see the world,” he said.
“Poleteismo” is actually three walls entirely covered with various images and papers — calendars, bus tickets, old school certificates, photographs, political posters, postcards, advertisements and other printed materials. Jesus, Mary and Joseph are not the only images featured, but Robert Jaworski endorsing Dr. J. rubbing alcohol; Alma Concepcion smiling over Champion cigarettes; two Thai actors selling Coca-cola, and US President Barack Obama.
In the meantime, on one free-standing wall hangs a life-size crucifix festooned with scapulars and rosaries, as well as a red phallus.
Cruz shrugs off the outrage over the phalluses.
“It’s symbolic for patriarchy, a symbol of power. There are those who worship power, who put their faith in men who wield power even if the power is used against women, or against the whole of society. The fight for sexual and gender equality continues, doesn’t it? But the balance continues to be tipped in favor of the phallus. Is this good or bad? You decide,” he said.
(For some, the phalluses could very well represent the leadership of the Catholic Church in the Philippines – a group of grown men deciding on how women in the country do not have the right to control their own reproduction process, much less their sexuality. Currently the Catholic Church is hard at work campaigning against proposals for a reproductive health law. It has also come to a head against calls of the Lesbian, Gay ,Bisexual and Transsexual or LGBT community to allow same-*** marriages in the country — writer)
“This is how I see the Filipino way of life — colorful, varied, full of conflicting beliefs and values. Can’t you just see these same images pasted on the walls of houses in the urban poor communities? And Filipino society, its racked with economic and political turmoil, and then there’s religion which frequently involves itself in the entire conglomeration of issues and developments,” he said.
Sure enough, if one does as Cruz advises — close your eyes after seeing the images, breathe and think– the walls begin to speak about the Filipino condition.
There’s the carton poster on the alphabet with “A” standing for “Apple” when apples are not grown in the Philippines and “J” is for Jeep and not for “jeepney.”
There’s the calendar where former First Lady Imelda Marcos smiles beatifically at her beholder.
Then there are the liquor bottles that used to contain expensive alcohol that could very well symbolize the corruption of the country because of the profligacy of its so-called leaders in government.
“I don’t like telling people what I mean when I paint something or what I want to say when I include an image in an installation. I would much rather that people talk about the work and think about they’ve seen,” Cruz said.
If only people would first think instead of being judgmental. In defense of religion and religious beliefs, some quarters have already taken to maliciously attributing Cruz’ controversial work to a “twisted sexuality.”
source: Artist Mideo Cruz wants to provoke critical thought, gets death threats instead - Bulatlat
una mo mupaghot, basaha ang artist statement kada suroy ninyu sa SM Art Center or at any art exhibit at any art gallery. Naa jud na nakabutang usually.
And FYI, not all art is meant to be pleasant nor for the artist's personal income. Aesthetic presentation can be compromised to be able to communicate visually to the audience which precisley is the artist's intention per se. Artworks are best appreciated if you see it in person and take the time to 'feel' the message. I bet most of you guys don't even know what each of his artworks are entitled. Thus, missing the whole point and misunderstanding his talent.
Mideo Cruz, unlike Amorsolo, is an abstract artist and abstract art is not always beautiful but metaphoric, symbolistic, and whatnot yet it strives to be truthful as what Amorsolo and other realist painters perceive in a physical sense.
Last edited by pugak_79; 08-14-2011 at 01:04 AM.
This is a very good question. may i ask you what that artwork is entitled and why? i can't give you an answer until you've answered my question but for now, yes, it can be a form of expression.
But then i'd be asking back, Expression of what?
Unless i know the artist's purpose of making such work, i can't totally 'defend' the artist. Many redundantly use the word 'expression' as an excuse to art. But in Mr. Cruz's case, he has the goods to back it up.
What about your example?
Bottomline are trying to destroy CHRISTIANITY!
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