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  1. #31

    Quote Originally Posted by blueubeblack View Post
    tsk tsk tsk, Istorya is not like the "other" forum you are a mod of. Just because you are a mod on the "other" forum doesn't mean you can behave like one here.

    rule #1 palang gani ni violate na ka.

    1. Moderators are to be treated with utmost respect. If you have any issues with Moderators, course them thru the admins (BeoR / Galadriel/ Vern) of the site or thru GlassMoon / Seducer/ Bailey privately. Persistent violations will result in a ban.
    who ever mentioned i behaved like a moderator here??

  2. #32
    FML! Looks like the bitch in heat is at me?! WTF? Here have some of this.

  3. #33
    C.I.A. AntitaniC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntitaniC View Post
    or basin the way siya nangutana..... basin rude way... anyway si aims ra maka tubag ana tanan...
    why does it bore you psyche? arent we talking about health here? tsk tsk. arent supposed to be moderators be "moderators"? such an abuse of power... tsk tsk...

    i hear favoritism here?

    doesnt merit a discussion?! what do you mean it doesnt merit a discussion? it was supposed to merit a discussion not until you locked it!

    The money was just something to instigate people to answer the forum and to research thoroughly. i offered, i did not bet. there is a big difference in that.

    and if you are formal enough you should have at least addressed it properly, not posted something like you are locking it because it bores you. it only showed one thing, you are insensitive, abusive and selfish.

    m o d e r a t o r, not executioner... ive been a mod myself on other forums but afaik we dont judge threads and decide to close it just because "we felt" that it doesnt merit a discussion... tsk tsk tsk
    my guess work was correct... lol just honoring my post...

    Quote Originally Posted by dementor View Post
    who ever mentioned i behaved like a moderator here??
    no one said you mention it dude... you just acted it... lol big difference....

    convince me you didn't act like a ranting moderator...... I'll give you 100 pesos.... <---- now that's close to reality......

    that's if you can convince me....

  4. #34
    C.I.A. sHenZee03's Avatar
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    TS, sh*t happens. Deal with it.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by sHenZee03 View Post
    TS, sh*t happens. Deal with it.
    TS, "you" happens daw.. HAHAHAHA

  6. #36
    Because we are poor, shall we be vicious? vern's Avatar
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    I have no idea why anyone, especially the moderators waste their energy to entertain people like these. I used to argue the merits of a ban. I don't anymore. Although I could explain with pages and pages of posts why I banned someone, the better and easier course of action is to give infractions to those complaining and banning subsequent clones. Why wasn't the thread starter banned? Mods ... it is not important to prove yourself right to the public. More often than not, they will never agree with you and those who might be willing to accept that they have broken the rules, DO NOT post in public. When asked "why", by obviously mentally disabled people, your answer should simply be ... because I can.

    Happy New Year folks!

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